Thursday, July 4, 2013

No More Arguments

There Are No More Arguments

(Open Letter to Liberals)

There is no more arguing the matter of gun control, none. The facts are in and the jury, consisting of history, statistics from the DOJ, data from the several states and their cities, the FBI stats, and independent studies galore has returned a verdict that has been rendered in all truth and verity and its conclusion is beyond refutation. After this point in time, all argumentation for any gun control (especially assault rifles) is tendered in all intellectual dishonesty, willful ignorance, and/or deception.

 And, when you consistently deny the simple precept that allowing uncontrolled mass immigration will (let’s spell that so that there is no misinterpretation here: w-i-l-l) destroy your country and you think that it's actually for the “betterment of mankind” you are deceived. When you believe in national suicide via uncontained immigration in the name of “beneficence", you are (intellectually) deficient and that without remediation. Genocide in the name of “good” is invariably evil. These points will not be argued.

 Likewise, the forced lowering of this nation’s standard of living to the poverty level so that illegals can be accommodated by (and overwhelm) our social and health services so that we (immigrants and nationals) are all equal (equally poor), is an intellectual war against the American people and is a violation of sanity. Our prosperity and standard of living is not up for gambit or gamble by your purveyors of poverty. The redistribution of our wealth/prosperity for that purpose will never be argued. Being forced into poverty by grand exalted hater of America, Elena Kagan’s, “glorious socialism” will not only not be argued, it will be resisted and that without resile.  

 When you incessantly, rabidly, and vehemently bloviate about “global warming” and climate control while gainsaying and castigating those who present you with compelling truths, you are blind to the obvious. When you fight to destroy our national economy in the name of preserving the planet while touting 12,000 independent reports from inbred liberal “scientists” (the lead of whom have been exposed as those who contaminated and controlled evidence), you are not our friend. We will no longer argue with you but will let the truth of solid historical and true objective science stand alone in the face of your audacious dissimulation. This debate is over.

 When you vote for those who pass massive life-changing and Constitution-altering legislation without even reading it and you incomprehensibly approve of it without question, you are actually beyond deceived; you have embraced insanity (and such are called “loony liberals” for good reason). The ObamaCare socialist monstrosity is here (for now) but it remains what it is: an ugly shameful blot and smear on the Constitution of the United States of America and an affront to all Americans and that fact will no longer be argued.

 When you are joyous (rather than weep) that 50 million of your countrymen are on food stamps and 128 million (more than 40% of the population) draw some sort of relief or income from the government per month (, you are deceived. When that number is increasing because your president believes that job eradication (e.g. the premeditated strangulation of the coal industry as promised by Obama) is (oxymoronically) manifest munificence of a magnanimous government you are beyond deceived.  You believe that placing your life in the hands of and being dependent on the government and expecting them to make the best choices for your life. Such insanity is not acceptable and is not even remotely arguable in the light of our founding father's wisdom. We have presented you with wisdom, truth, and evidences for decades and you have categorically and proudly demonstrated your intransigence to us on every occasion and are yet without repentance. There will be no questioning, no debating, and no arguing the matter. Our assessment of your pathos and politics stands.

And, when you rejoice over the prospect of disarming Americans so they are completely defenseless against rapists, robbers, burglars, carjackers, and other criminals, you are absolutely deceived and that without remedy. That diagnosis is not arguable. The dispensing of a God-given right to survive to further a cause or agenda is a certain sign of spiritual and very likely mental aberration. We know this because God has given us (the believers) the spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7). That means that anyone not of God/Truth is of the “spirit of error” and is certainly of questionable soundness of mind and incapable of engaging in a logical argument. If that isn't reason enough, what 15,000 years of human history has proven, we will no longer argue and try to prove to those who are inherently illogical.

 With stentorian pomp you declare that a woman’s body is her own and that no one can tell her what to do with it. You then aver that slaughtering her unborn child is not only socially acceptable but also conscionable thereby proving beyond any fathomable preponderance that you have escaped the bonds of sanity altogether. You actually believe that your self-assessed intellectual superiority authorizes you to condone the unthinkable: killing helpless and defenseless babies. How are you different than the worshippers of Moloch who sacrificed babies on red hot metal altars to their wooden god? Before which god do you dance and worship when a murderous abortionist dismembers a living baby whose heart he must stop, whose spinal cord he must sever, and whose head he must crush in order to remove him from his mother's womb? According to the pro-choice crowd recently gathered in Austin, Texas it is no less than Satan (
You have a conscience that is seared with a hot iron and have repudiated your humanity and followed after evil.  We will not argue with those who are capable of such inhuman atrocities. Baby killers will not be acknowledged.

 When you deny overwhelming and irrefutable evidences (and you do so with great hatred for truth) you are no longer arguing your position. You are attempting to establish and reinforce your agenda and you are deceived if you continue to promote that which is so easily (and so often) proven false. You surely need to know that, when you are deceived, truth no longer matters; facts no longer matter; nothing matters except what you subjectively (and usually emotionally) perceive to be “truth” no matter how erroneous or insane your cause and position may be. Your truth-less situational ethic will no longer be debated. You are disconnected from truth therefore you are disconnected from reality.....period

 If, on the other hand, you claim to not be deceived, then you have a willful anti-American bias and therefore are sided with an evil agenda that is set to destroy this country. Knowingly or unknowingly, you are nothing less than a traitor and a betrayer of our Constitution. This is evil and unacceptable.

The falsehoods that you perpetuate in the name of liberalism/progressivism/socialism/Democratic Party are repugnant to the American Constitution (the established truth) and this, too, is malevolence. We (conservatives) will no longer strive with this malignant hate mongering which wars against our history, heritage, and culture. We were here first and you are the interlopers.  That fact is not up for discussion.

 When all hard evidence is in (and it is), there is no further need for disputing with the likes of whom that are so open minded their brains fall out and whose Marxist brainwashing is complete. We refuse to be a part of your existential fantasy world that that loathes and is devoid of even the basic understanding of truth, justice, and the American way. 

 Therefore, we will not be dragged over into your socialistic (new world order) ideological quicksand by your blustering deviant Hegelian dialectic that attempts to distract us from our firm grip on reality. We know better than to argue with those in whom dwells no truth and who never allow facts and empirical evidence to interfere with their doctrines. We will no longer attempt discourse with those who are incapable of critical thought and who have such vile and opprobrious contempt for their country, mankind, and, particularly, helpless babies.

 Objective truth stands alone and simply must be and will be enforced and protected rather than debated. Truth shall stand and having stood, will continue to stand therefore against your subjective and situational “truth”, your mind-boggling hypocrisy, your pathological lying and blame shifting, and your incessant demand for spin and deception that is used to cloak your true nature and true intentions. The truth must and will be protected and that with violence if necessary (per our founding fathers).

We will do so with alacrity because we clearly see your illogical, deceiving, lying,  and violent plans and actions to implement the strategically and tactically engineered destruction of our nation.

Go your way in ignorance and darkness and be comfortable with your lunacy. We will strive with you no more because there are no more arguments.


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