It was disturbing to read about MEChA having infiltrated Porterville College . This radical group is the direct front for the “Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán”. Their ultimate (published) goal is to displace “Americans” by “reconquista”. “Reconquista” is the re-conquering of the southwest and California which the Mexicans and Spaniards once ruled. They refuse to be called “Hispanics” having a higher ideology of being “reformers” who remain culturally and ethnically separate from others.
Instead, they are known as “Chicanos” who have rejected assimilation altogether. This is entirely antithetical to the “American way” of becoming one nation made out of many people. This automatically makes them enemies of “United States ”. They are quite racist as well because, as they vehemently aver, everything is for “la raza” (the race). They have marched in the streets of L.A. and screamed these objectives long and loudly.
Before anyone sends flaming responses, a simple Google search will confirm that these are their words, goals, and mission. They are not mine nor is this merely a subjective opinion or interpretation. They are openly published and MEChA is unashamed of their stated ideology and goals. Nor are they ashamed of their deceptions that use seemingly peaceful means of subversion. The cheap ruse of exposing our children to the “Dia de los Muertos” in the guise of some sort of honoring the dead is a classic example. It certainly is “educational”. It educates the children for “reconquista”.
To allow these “wolves in sheep’s clothing” to brainwash our children to openly accept the patently pagan practice of the “Day of the Dead” is a violation of reason. To allow such a criminal group that is openly hostile to our government, culture, heritage, and people is a violation of sanity.