w John Calvin the Deceiver w
Randy Minnick 10-05-10
The Deceived
“Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm” (1 Timothy 1:5-7)
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears” (2 Timothy 4:3)
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction” (2 Peter 2:1)
It is without controversy that we, as Christians, face a formidable enemy. He roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may both deceive and devour.[1] Though he was defeated at the cross, Satan has the ability to deceive and to temp mankind to err. In fact, he is of the “spirit of error” and the truth is not in him.
The entirety of his authority is by human proxy. This is also to say that he only has such power that he is allowed or granted by man. His deception causes man to do un-Godly things that then lead to destruction. The dynamic is simple: man, though the default of ignorance, basically says to Satan (the god of this world and ruler of the darkness thereof), “Thy will be done” and “I will be led by the spirit of error”. Satan will do just that and will kill, steal, and destroy exactly like the Bible says.[2] This ignorance then blames all things on God or at least His “permissive will” with God being sovereignly responsible and allows Satan to get off scot-free. In the case of the un-Godly, following Satan is a default because God is not his father. This would also include the category of following after the various worlds religions. In the case of the saved, if ignorant of God’s word, which is “the truth”, then man will follow after error thinking he is in God’s will. He will even fight against “the truth” as we see in the case of the Scribes and Pharisees in Christ’s time. Following after error may have grave consequences.
As Christians, being ignorantly submitted to the murderous god of this world is entirely unnecessary and is, in fact, inexcusable because we have access to the entirely of God’s truth and His Spirit. We have a completed covenant in Christ that was designed to protect and prosperous us in spite of our adversary and in spite of adversity. However, due to Christian doctrines promulgated and disseminated by false teachers, most contemporary preachers aid and abet the enemy rather than promoting the truth of God’s word (there are few exceptions).
It is through ignorance of this marvelous covenant and ignorance of the “Law of Faith” (i.e. the understanding of how to consistently apply faith in all areas at all times), that the believer is consistently deceived into “failing for Christ’s sake”. Such failure is then explained away and even expected and justified by horrendous rending of context of scripture.
We need to note here that men often vehemently and even rabidly cling to the religious deception of their choosing (i.e. cling to their respective denominations).[3] They adhere to their error and set themselves as “defenders of the gospel” while suffering captivity and even destruction at the hand of Satan. Though there are hundreds of doctrines in Christendom, it never occurs to them that they have less than a slim chance of representing the correct one and continue to tout their beliefs as the preferred ones. They persist at failure with great fervor.
It is, in fact, much easier to be deceived than to be obedient to the word of God. In other words, it is easier to practice “religion” rather than it is to actually be a “Christian”. This is because religion is “soul-ish” and being soul-ish is easy to do because it’s the “path of least resistance”. Since it is of the “natural” realm it comes easily to us because we were well trained in the things of the natural having been born into it. The Bible refers to it as “the natural man”.
To be a “Christian”, on the other hand, means that first you must put forth both the effort to seek the truth of God’s word and that you have to pay the price for living a Godly life. You have to be “spiritual” (i.e. spiritually minded) and “swim upstream” against the current (or pressure) of the natural river of darkness of this world. You must die in the likeness of Christ’s death and be resurrected with Him in the likeness of eternal life. You must submit to the training and renewing of your soul and mind. Not everyone is willing to do that and will instead take the easy path of being “religious” rather than being “spiritual”. They will be “carnally minded” and will not bear witness with the things of God, His word, His Spirit, or His Kingdom.
Most “mainstream” doctrines teach nothing about how to actually press against the darkness. Nothing is demonstrated about how to resist and overcome the default pressure of darkness in the world.[4] According to them, it means that you must accept whatever comes into your life as being from God or allowed by Him at every level and at any and every time. Even a direct attack by Satan must be accepted as directly allowed by God with His full complicity. The Bible can be reconstructed to this end but such a concept is foreign to “the Gospel” of our Lord and Savior.
Some years ago, the author was with fellow gospel band members in the Los Angeles area who were invited to a Christian college alumni meeting. One of the friends was an evangelist to Ireland who was on furlough back home with his family. Amid the conversation it was learned that another of the friends had been diagnosed with an extremely rare terminal illness of the brain. The consensus, of course, was that we all pray for him. The evangelist began with a prayer that basically stated: “Oh, Lord. We know that all things good or bad come from you”. His prayer immediately evokes this question: Can bad or evil come from a righteous, holy, and just God who is good for His mercy endures forever? Can it come from our Father who has stated that His thoughts toward us are always good and not evil? If that is the case, and God has predestinate control of these matters, why bother to even pray? It is a waste of time because “God’s will” is being demonstrated in allowing His child to be destroyed. Such is the faithless mindset of most of Calvinist-inspired Christianity today.
However, when you understand all of God’s word all of the time, you quickly realize that it is beyond the reach of reason to accept this position as it is nothing less than God aiding and abetting Satan. The thinking is that God uses Satan to prefect the believer in some way. This makes our Father complicit in the killing of His own children, stealing from them, and destroying them. In effect, it makes God evil because no earthly father would treat His children in such a manner and if he did, he would be imprisoned.[5]
We also see evidence of this deception in the fact that there is a myriad of “Christian” doctrines and denominations. It is obvious that this is error (to chose “religion”[6] over Christ”) because this sort of sectarianism isn’t seen in the scripture. Such division can only be deadly to the cause of Christ since “a house divided against itself cannot stand”.[7]
Calvin the Deceiver
There is one doctrine of deception that has emerged to great prominence. It has influenced all of western Christianity to a greater or lesser degree.[8] No part of Christendom has gone untainted. The aberrant doctrine which leaves the Lord’s people in abject ignorance, without grace, all but hopeless, sick, frail, and perpetually faithless, is “Calvinism”. It is an entire belief and political system based upon the teachings of John Calvin (1509-1564).
To discover why this doctrine is so toxic, one has only to look at its inventor, John Calvin. Calvin was a Catholic humanist and successful lawyer who, after much influence from “Zwinglianism”,[9] began his own reformation movement with other of the then concurrent movements. His movement, never a part of God’s plan,[10] has resulted in a terrible scourge being unleashed upon the people of God. Referring to the Washington State University website “Discovery and Reformation”, we see this:
Ø The spirit of Zwinglianism reached its fullest development in the theology, political theories, and ecclesiastic thought of John Calvin[11]
We immediately see a man capitalizing on someone else’s theories and beliefs rather than seeking first the Kingdom of God and the Lord for His will to be done. He then fine tunes his compendium to meet his own criterion and interpretations then he initiates a campaign for reformation.
Even casual scrutiny shows a serious flaw with Calvin’s philosophy. For one thing, he begins his quest to be a “reformer” and not as a “servant of the Lord”. There is only one “minister” seen in the Bible. It is the servant who is called to do the will of the Lord. Yet, we see that Calvin is on a mission to first formulate, then codify, and then enforce his doctrines quite unlike any examples seen in the Bible.
At no time is there a shred of documentation of this man spending any time waiting upon the Lord and seeking Him for a revelation of His word, His will and leading, and His Kingdom as we did see in men like the Apostle Paul. It is thoroughly documented that there is no evidence of him spending any time in prayer at all until a few months prior to his demise when he was forced (due to infirmity) to spend time with himself. This means that there is no evidence that Calvin allowed for even the smallest bit of revelation of God’s word by the Holy Spirit which comes only through study of the word and prayer as one seeks first the Kingdom of God . A believer must wait upon the Lord for these things or they cannot be a part of his life. Instead, Calvin arrogantly takes for granted that his interpretations and cobbling together of scripture are the correct ones.
It quickly becomes discernable by those who do study the word and not just their doctrines[12] that Calvin’s incredible academic acumen and maniacal zeal is mistaken for actual Christian character and Godliness. To the spiritually minded, it immediately becomes apparent that he was not actually preaching God’s word at all. That so many saw and still see Calvin as a source of orthodoxy is some indication of the deception of which this man was capable. Not all were as accepting, as we shall see.
Like Zwingli, Calvin demands a literal reading of the Bible. However, he does so without using all of the word all of the time which would have kept a consistent context. Instead, almost all of his doctrinal foundations are situational and discrete in their usage. This practice is also called “scripture lifting” and culminates in “cut and paste theology” with the Bible being sliced and diced to fit the needs of the respective doctrine. It is “text without proper context” which then becomes whatever you want it to mean.
“Calvinists” will actually adjure against the use of such a dynamic. However, they never tell you that their “proper context” is their doctrines instead of all of the word of God all of the time.[13] Such a practice helps to insulate their doctrines to whatever degree from the truth. Any doctrine based on this approach is in error and is of the “spirit of error” because it is without the anchor of truth which is based upon God’s word. Rather it is based upon man’s interpretation of God’s word. The literal reading of the word must be kept in context with all of God’s word and Calvin fails miserably at this. The result is that “Calvinism” is a doctrine with more conflicts with scripture in it than there are holes in a wheel of Swiss cheese and one for which they must apologize continually.
This error-filled method is entirely without excuse since the truth of God’s word is not hidden. Finding the truth certainly requires effort and commitment and it must be sought after as one would search after treasure.[14] The Lord has laid up His wisdom for us and not from us and has commanded us to seek after it as the highest priority and with all that we know how to.[15]
We see this inexcusable practice happening to whatever degree with every single denomination and doctrine in existence without exception.[16] Everyone is trying to protect and defend his doctrines which have been deemed by their respective originator as being “the gospel”. However, there are always conflicts in scripture which must be ignored. Again referring to the Washington State University : “
Ø “The core of Calvinism is the Zwinglian insistence on the literal reading of Christian scriptures. Anything not contained explicitly and literally in these scriptures was to be rejected; on the other hand, anything that was contained explicitly and literally in these scriptures was to be followed unwaveringly. It is the latter point that Calvin developed beyond Zwingli's model; not only should all religious belief be founded on the literal reading of Scriptures, but church organization, political organization, and society itself should be founded on this literal reading”
This statement is of particular concern since it delineates the way in which the beliefs of “Calvinism” are constructed, particularly with the exclusion of mercy and grace and church structure or organization. In other words, by following what the Bible says “unwaveringly” but without being spiritually minded and without having the heart of a servant and walking in love, you have just another “religion” (and religion is a stern taskmaster). This is precisely the dynamic with John Calvin and his doctrines. We will also see that Calvin was, indeed, not only only stern, but a true taskmaster that forced people to adhere to his doctrines (and under duress if needs be).
While the author can agree that the Bible needs to be believed for what it says rather than try to interpret it, he cannot agree with the method Zwingli and Calvin use (for the aforementioned reasons). In this type of Bible “interpretation”, we find that Calvin takes sentences from the Bible and pastes them wherever he desires to force the Bible to conform to his interpretation of the word of God. Overall cover-to-cover context is forsaken. This practice is used to precipitate a tenet that this author calls “The Doctrine of Acceptable Contradictions” in the Bible. In other words, you teach one thing and practice another. For instance, “Calvinists” preach “grace” but teach “Law”. The Bible is clear that you can only have one or the other but “Calvinism” blends the two so that the contradictions are somehow acceptable. In another instance of “Calvinist” practice, you teach one thing then teach something that contradicts that teaching at another time. For instance, the author heard one particular well-known west coast radio preacher teaching that required a Christian to put forth effort to try to live like Christ. On another occasion he taught that you can never be like Christ and that there was nothing you could do to be a better Christian.
This is scripturally intolerable yet is commonplace with “Calvinism” due to John Calvin’s lack of revelation of God’s word and his insistence upon being the “reformer of the ages”. Such a practice is inexcusable.
Improper Hierarchy
In an ever continuing system of error that abolishes truth, facts, and all evidence, it is portrayed that Calvin uses scripture as a pattern for church organization and ministry but there is no evidence other than his word to substantiate this claim. In fact, he says one thing and then we see that his actions are quite contradictory to his words and to “the word” (the Bible). Again, this is the dynamic that can be called the “doctrine of acceptable contradictions”; it is a practice that is consistent throughout his life. It is also a practice that is the primary methodology of the “spirit of error” and it can be seen very openly in politics (a religion in and of itself).[17] His presumption should be ridiculously apparent even to the casual observer and should be an insult to anyone’s intelligence who actually studies the word.
It appears to be the thinking of a completely uneducated person rather than someone so scholarly. Again, this is the working of the “spirit of error” that tacitly proffers the belief that intelligence is a substitute for or even superior to spirituality.[18] It presents a defiled truth standard against which the truth of God’s word is vilified. This is precisely what happened when Paul the Apostle spoke the truth to the Jews. They rejected the truth of God’s word in exactly the same manner they rejected Christ, “The Truth”. They had all of the answers and "the Truth" simply wasn't recognized.
The entire matter would appear laughable if it were not so serious a matter with so many people being utterly deceived. In reality, Calvin simply re-invented “Catholicism” with its church organization and hierarchy and called it “reformation”. He then foisted his concoction upon on the public as being “Christian” all the while appearing to reject the established Catholic church. In actuality, he merely modified it:
Ø “In 1541, added by the city council, Calvin drew up the Ecclesiastical Ordinances. He rejected the organization of the Medieval Church as contrary to the New Testament. He wanted a church modeled on the church in Apostolic times. There were to be no bishops. All ministers were equal. They had to preach, administer the sacraments and look after the spiritual welfare of the people. Moral discipline was also upheld by the ministers - but they were helped by the elders”[19]
Contrast Calvin’s attitudes with scripture:
Ø “This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work” (1 Timothy 3:1)
Ø “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12)
His thinking must seriously be called into question on this subject. On the one hand, he states a desire to base the church on “Apostolic times”. Yet, he then eliminates the office of the Apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, and pastor along with the ministry of the bishop (he was only thinking in reference to the Catholic bishops rather than the Biblical ones) thereby abandoning even a remote likeness of the powerful and effectual early church. This truly makes him a “reformer”. However, he is actually reforming the Protestant church into a Catholic one. This argument cannot be refuted if one simply reads the Bible for what it says and also observes what history documents concerning John Calvin.
Michael Servetus,[20] a man no less academically capable than Calvin, took exception to Calvin’s claims and confronted Calvin with his blatant errors. He advised him that he was, indeed, the pope of his own (neo-Catholic) church. Calvin angrily became judge, jury, and executioner and was complicit in having him burned at the stake as a heretic for having the nerve to challenge him:[21]
Ø When the executioner began his work, Servetus whispered with trembling voice: 'Oh God, Oh God!' The thwarted Farel snapped at him: 'Have you nothing else to say?' This time Servetus replied to him: 'What else might I do, but speak of God!' Thereupon he was lifted onto the pyre and chained to the stake. A wreath strewn with sulfur was placed on his head. When the faggots were ignited, a piercing cry of horror broke from him. 'Mercy, mercy!' he cried. For more than half an hour the horrible agony continued, for the pyre had been made of half-green wood, which burned slowly. 'Jesus, Son of the eternal God, have mercy on me,' the tormented man cried from the midst of the flames ...."[22]
Although we essentially have the same in the conversion of the repentant thief (Lk ,43 cf. Lk. ) and the Scripture, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (Acts ; Rom. ), Farel still reckoned Servetus an unsaved man at the end of his life:
"Farel noted that Servetus might have been saved by shifting the position of the adjective and confessing Christ as the Eternal Son rather than as the Son of the Eternal God."(12)
"Calvin had thus murdered his enemy, and there is nothing to suggest that he ever repented his crime [sic]. The next year he published a defence [sic] in which further insults were heaped upon his former adversary in most vindictive and intemperate language."[23]
Ø “Another victim to his fiery zeal was Gentile, one of an Italian sect in Geneva , which also numbered among its adherents Alciati and Gribaldo. As more or less Unitarian in their views, they were required to sign a confession drawn up by Calvin in 1558. Gentile subscribed it reluctantly, but in the upshot he was condemned and imprisoned as a perjurer. He escaped only to be twice incarcerated at Berne , where in 1566, he was beheaded”[24]
We see no such vengeful, murderous, and hateful attitude (being incredibly and illogically cloaked as “fiery zeal”) concerning the ministry in the “New Testament”. Rather we see that one is to love their enemies. However, we do see this murderous deportment inextricably linked with Catholicism. We see the Catholic Church exercising this exact deadly dynamic this during their “Inquisitions”. It is evident that Calvin is of the same “spirit of error” as the Catholics for there is absolutely no difference in their religious attitudes and un-Godly character.
This cruel, hard, and heartless sin-conscious attitude continues into other of his doctrines:
Ø “Also in 1555, the city council gave the consistory the right to excommunicate offenders. Only after this date was a strict moral code imposed and every sin was made a crime e.g. no work or pleasure on a Sunday; no extravagance in dress. If you were excommunicated you were banished from the city. Blasphemy could be punished by death; lewd singing could be punished by your tongue being pierced”[25]
One cannot find any scripture that teaches that we should mercilessly and gracelessly impose a strict moral code or that all sin should be made a crime. Even the Apostle Paul made no such formal requirements. Though the Bible teaches “grace” in opposition to such strictness, we see not so much as a glimmer of grace in John Calvin. For all intents and purposes he becomes a judge and executioner for the “Old Testament” rather than a minister of the “New Testament” and its true grace. In fact, we find no part of the fruit of the spirit at all, even until his death:
Ø “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23)
Calvin exhibited none of these and bore corrupt fruit that is entirely manifested outside of love which is to say, outside of Christ:
Ø “The cold, hard, but upright disposition characteristic of the Reformed Churches, less genial than that derived from Luther, is due entirely to their founder himself. Its essence is a concentrated pride, a love of disputation, a scorn of opponents. The only art that it tolerates is music, and that not instrumental. It will have no Christian feasts in its calendar, and it is austere to the verge of Manichaean hatred of the body. When dogma fails the Calvinist, he becomes, as in the instance of Carlyle, almost a pure Stoic”[26]
The Bible at no time speaks of the Christian to be “cold and hard” and “stoic” with a virtual hatred for their body. Likewise, it never teaches a “love of disputation”. Rather, it teaches just the opposite:
Ø “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will” (2 Timothy 2:24-26)
According to the Apostle Paul, the gospel is about reconciling others to peace through the ministry of reconciliation.[27] According to Calvin, the gospel is about condemning those who sin and even killing those who do not agree with your doctrines. It isn’t about grace, meekness, and servitude. It’s about disputation, strife, and about murdering your adversaries. It is all about doctrinal enforcement to the point of violence and about hatred and strife against those who do not agree with you. History is resolute that love and peace are not to be found in the life of John Calvin.
It is no mystery why stoicism is so entrenched in Calvin’s life. He was quite well versed in philosophy. His humanism was also always at hand:
Ø “Given Calvin’s occasional antipathy for philosophers, it is all too tempting to dismiss him as someone who knew very little philosophy, striking out at that which he did not know. However tempting that may be, it simply is untrue. In the Institutes, his treatises, and the commentaries, Calvin continually demonstrates a familiarity with both general and specific philosophical knowledge which seems to have been gained through his own study of their writings. What seems most significant about Calvin’s use of philosophy is that in general, he refuses to accept a philosophical system. Instead, he considers philosophy as the history of human wisdom’s attempt to search out answers to the questions of human existence. Thus, philosophers and their theories become paradigms for consideration, rather than structures for the organization of thought”[28] Hence, Calvin’s effort at using philosophy must be understood as part of his humanism, rather than a tool of the coherence of systematization of his thought. Calvin placed logic in the curriculum of the Genevan Academy . He could illustrate faith with the four-fold causality of Aristotle. He can use the thoughts of the philosophers as aids to training the mind, and believed that not many pastors, and certainly no doctor of the church could be ignorant of philosophy. However, that respect lived in constant tension with his irritation at the efforts of philosophy (and philosophers) at exceeding their proper place”[29]
As he did so regularly and so thoroughly, Calvin ignored God’s word concerning the matter and operated in “acceptable contradiction”. He exhibits antipathy for philosophers yet practiced much of their philosophy (e.g. stoicism”[30]):
Ø “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” (Colossians 2:8)
“Vain deceit” certainly covers much of Calvin’s life which was not at all in the example of Christ.
There is also the use of “elders” in his churches. The position of “elder” is quite scriptural. But, Calvin yet again invokes Catholicism and defies scripture. He shamelessly modifies the position from that of powerful anointed God-called leadership to that of a “lay ministry”[31] effectively rendering it useless.
It must be noted that there is no scriptural precedent for a “lesser” or “non-professional” “lay ministry”. The Bible points out that the Apostle Peter was an “elder”.[32]According to Calvin’s thinking, Peter was a “layman”. This is doctrinally unacceptable.
This contrived hierarchy also very conveniently removes autonomy from the churches and places power centrally exactly like the Catholic Church has always done. The removal of autonomy is the foundation upon which denominationalism is constructed and what caused the Catholic Church to prosper.
Calvin’s Salvation
Another serious question arises concerning Calvin’s salvation. One would think that there would be some evidence or manifestation of conversion in every believer’s life. This author wept deeply and repented in all sorrowfulness before the Lord and before the congregation at church when he accepted the gift of eternal life. His life was utterly changed from that hour. It was far from a private affair and was open to all.
We see no such obvious conversion with Calvin. Thoroughly documented is that fact that there are no changes in his life whatsoever. He was the same (old) person and nothing had become new. The only thing new was his doctrines and even then it was merely an appearance of change:
Ø “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians )
Nothing in Calvin’s life changed. Everything that he believed stayed the same after his supposed conversion to Christianity. Though he espoused “Protestantism”, virtually everything he did was “Catholic” and an aberration of Christianity as presented in God's word.
Certainly, one had to be mindful of open expressions of Christianity in Calvin’s time. To not do so could cost you a term in prison or even death. Nevertheless, we need to note that millions of believers before, during, and after his time would not back down from death to preserve their faith in Christ.[33]
The only acknowledgeable “conversion” that can be readily seen in Calvin’s life is the conversion of his titular identity from “Catholic” to “Protestant”. His goals and aims that had been formulated prior to his “conversion” never altered. There is no evidence that he was anything other than a reformer who was championing a cause but not out of a heart that had been changed to serve God.
Of extreme note, again, to the complete disqualification of John Calvin, is that everything with him was intellectual and was never spiritual. At no time does he demonstrate what the Bible calls being “spiritually minded”. The complete omission of this extremely important third aspect of Christianity [34] can only leave any (Christian) observer deeply skeptical of such an alleged “conversion” which then resulted in an utterly fruitless, bitter, hateful, and driven (i.e. as opposed to being peacefully led of the Spirit) branch.[35] Without controversy, eliminating the spiritual aspect of the Bible immediately dismisses being “spiritually minded” without which there is error and carnally mindedness which is bondage and death.[36]
Though Calvin stated that, "God subdued my soul to docility by a sudden conversion", it is well documented that he was a man far from peace and therefore far from the very God of peace. Such “docility” is obviously transient. Without questioning his statement and accepting it at face value, it becomes overwhelmingly evident that the docility was episodic at best and did not last at all (i.e. failed to last unto full fruition because he did not protect his peace). This is further evidenced in that, had he actually sown the word of peace from a peaceful spirit and soul, he would have reaped a harvest of wisdom and peace.[37] The profound lack of peace exhibited by Calvin is hardly a presentation that someone representing the very God of peace would desire. Yet, he is unwavering, and worse, un-repentant for his lack of Christ-likeness, lack of manifest peacefulness, and his virulent hatred toward others.[38]
There can be no association with “un-peacefulness” and the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus, as the two are antithetical. Had Calvin known the Prince of Peace, he would have been “abiding in peace” and therefore “abiding in Christ”. We would have seen a servant on the order of Paul the Apostle who laid down his life for the Lord’s sheep. No such thing can be observed in Calvin’s life. If he laid anything down, it was the gauntlet of contention as he was in continual debate and strife with all.
As we delve further into this matter we must also note that there is no documented or historical lore or orally preserved tradition that may be presented as evidence that Calvin made a public profession or confession of Christ as his personal savior. “God subdued my soul by a sudden conversion” is not part of the Romans 10:9-10 requirements for salvation. Neither is his salvation referenced in his personal writings. What we do see is that he spent much time writing his polemics and was in great contention with anyone who disagreed with him. His life was filled with strife and debate and both are strongly advised against in the Bible:
Ø “Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom” (Proverbs )
What we clearly see in this man is an unabashed pride and arrogance that cannot be associated with “Godliness” and wisdom. He brazenly overlooks the “must not strive” part of the word as it greatly interferes with his policies and procedures. His actions show that he is driven and that he must defeat his adversaries at all cost.
It is more than casually apparent that Calvin simply wasn’t interested in maintaining the integrity of or obedience to the word of the Lord. In fact, his own beliefs portray his motivations altogether:
Ø “Calvin was highly critical of the abuses in the French Catholic church but he never doubted that he was God’s chosen instrument in the spiritual regeneration of the world”[39]
Catholics likewise have never once wavered from this same belief for almost 2,000 years. However, believing something for centuries doesn’t make it “the truth”.
Calvin’s whitewashed Catholicism was continually evident:
Ø “But within Geneva itself a struggle took place between those who wanted mild reform (such as no compulsory church attendance) and those who demanded radical reform such as Calvin and Farel. The split was deeper than this however. The mild reformers were called the Libertines and they wanted magistrates firmly in control of the clergy. Calvin wanted a city controlled by the clergy - a theocracy.[40] In 1538, the Libertines won the day and Farel and Calvin fled the city and went to Strasbourg ”[41]
It is undeniable and quite conclusive that Calvin’s interests were inseparable from the errors of Catholicism. He wanted Geneva to be ruled by the clergy just as any good Catholic would. No Spirit-led Christian would desire to rule but rather to serve. To him, it was all about “control” and forcing others to do your will. Controlling others is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible as a Christian ethic or procedure.
There simply isn’t enough evidence to convict Calvin of being a Christian while all evidence indicates that he was something else altogether; he was a Catholic just as Michael Servetus had correctly judged him to be. At this juncture we are must depend upon scripture to judge the matter. “By their fruits ye shall know them” is the standard. Establishing one’s personal religion and forcing it upon others (in the name of the Lord) is not a fruit.
Acceptable Contradictions
When we further address Calvin’s life of “acceptable contradiction”, we see the obvious double-minded doctrinal position of denouncing Catholicism while embracing its dynamics. With all alacrity Calvin used this crumbling cornerstone on which to erect his erroneous belief system. His overhaul of the Catholic system for personal use while seeming to abhor it is one of the consistent contradictions that we see in him and his doctrines.
A contemporary example is what we call “double-speak”. This is the dynamic of saying one thing but meaning something else. What is not stated in "Calvinism" is that any conflicts in scripture with are entirely overlooked, ignored, negated, or explained away with voluminous and pompous and even violent rhetoric. Any person who confronts the error is denounced as a heretic and gainsaid.[42]
In another case he all but denounced philosophy but had been so perverted by it that he couldn’t see how any serious minister could be in the ministry without studying it. The Bible advises against being spoiled by philosophy but Calvin continually ignores such exhortations and actually practiced “stoicism” to a major degree.
Close attention should be given when you hear an adherent to “Calvinism” preach or teach. The teaching will almost invariably be filled with contradictions between their doctrines and God’s word, some of which are glaring. One week they may teach on a particular subject then the next will teach something else that contradicts part of or all of the previous teaching. Calvinist themselves admit that there are numerous contradictions in their doctrines. Yet, they excuse them and pontificate at great length about such exclusions from God’s Word to forge an acceptance of error. The conclusion is a simple one; “Calvinists” accept contradiction as the norm. This is gross error and it is grossly irresponsible.
As a classic example of this practice: on one particular Presbyterian website the author was visiting, there was an article written by a gentleman who had a doctorate in theology. The synopsis of his apologetics was basically this: “We really don’t know why there are so many conflicts in the Bible with our doctrines. We just know that there are no conflicts in the Bible. Therefore, we will just wait for God to give us more revelation so that it will all be smoothed out. Until then, our doctrines are just fine and we will continue to defend the gospel as we always have”.
After 400 years of error and contradiction in doctrines without the Lord “stepping in” to make any corrections, this Presbyterian preacher has the gall to defend his doctrines with a casual nonsensical paragraph that excuses himself and millions of “Calvinists”[43] from seeking the truth and the Kingdom of God as required by scripture. It never seems to occur to him that, after almost a half millennia, God hasn’t “straightened things out” for them. If that isn’t enough to warrant suspicion, “Calvinists” do not believe in any further revelation of God’s word than what they have (“progressive revelation”). This is more of the doctrine of “acceptable contradiction”.
This is nothing less than being willfully deceived. The truth is not hidden and it certainly hasn’t been hidden in the past 450 years since the birth of Calvin’s illegitimate religious amalgam. One is certainly made to ponder why, if Calvin was correct, God has chosen to saddle His people with such conflicted and self-opposing doctrines and left them dangling for all of this time.
Calvin, Corrupt and Driven
With only a modicum of scrutiny we also see that Calvin wasn’t the least bit interested in God’s ideas about “ecclesiastical organization”. Though labeling himself as a “Protestant”, and though appearing to attend to the ideas of others on this matter, his approach to organization of the church was contradictory to scripture and entirely Catholic and otherwise erroneous:
Ø “From 1538 to 1541 Calvin stayed in Strasbourg . Here he learned a lot about the ideas of Martin Bucer; a moderate Protestant reformer from Germany . Calvin was especially interested in Bucer’s ideas on ecclesiastical organization”[44]
We must ask why Calvin was so interested in Bucer’s ideas and not God’s. “Ecclesiastical organization” (though not labeled as such) was already established in the word of God.[45] Having stated that he wanted an “early church” based ministry, Calvin rejected God’s word at face value and preferred the Catholic approach thus protecting his papacy and, in one fell swoop, completely removed the power of God from the church. He didn’t have the simple comprehension to even bother to note that the gospel can never be disassociated from power. In fact, it’s all about power:
Ø “For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power” (1 Corinthians )
Ø “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (Acts 10:38)
Ø “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Romans )
Jesus gave an example by saying “The Kingdom of God” is at hand. He then proved it by demonstrating that the power of God was at hand. You can never separate God or His kingdom from power. Paul the Apostle did likewise:
Ø “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)
Calvin had no such powerful ministry that gave God the glory and, in fact, openly eliminated it altogether from the church even as the Catholic church had done. He wanted people to have faith in what he said. His church structure and organization was (and is) a scourge to the body of Christ. He had a form of Godliness but he adamantly denied the power thereof.[46]
When we further assess Calvin’s intents we see nothing but ominous darkness:
Ø “It took Calvin 14 years before he could fully impose his version of liturgy, doctrine, organization of the church and moral behavior”[47]
After 35 years of ministry, the author has yet to determine the use of “impose” to be associated with Christianity. The Lord Jesus Christ never at any time used such obnoxious presumption as to impose His will or doctrines and He was God made manifest in the flesh. His attitude was, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” and “Thy will be done” (speaking to and of the Father). Yet, here we see a man who was unrequited until he could forcefully impose his beliefs upon others. He single-handedly “reformed” Christianity into “Calvinism”.
It is impossible not to notice that Calvin was a man who was driven to accomplish his own will. He was literally “working for God” to accomplish a self-determined mission. However, we see an immediate and serious conflict with God’s word. The Bible says this:
Ø “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans )
Because Calvin wasn’t being led of the Spirit but was carrying on his own campaign, we find him working for God rather than working with Him. Such campaigning does not pass scriptural inspection. We are to work with God and not for Him as demonstrated in scripture.[48] We are to be led of the Spirit. We are not to drag Him around behind us expecting Him to bless our endeavors, projects, and reformations.
Contrary to his averring, we continually see Calvin’s opinions and preferences being introduced in the church rather than observing a practice or belief based on God’s word:
Ø “Calvin’s services were plain and simple. He placed great importance on the sermon. His sermons were very logical and learned. Though he himself liked music, he distrusted its use in religious services believing that it distracted people from the matter in hand - the worship and the seeking knowledge of God. Musical instruments were banned from churches - though congregational singing was permitted and this proved to be both popular and an effective way of ‘spreading’ the message. All matters relating to worship came from the Scriptures - so psalms took the place of hymns in services”[49]
Here it is noticed that, though he did use the Psalms for songs, he banned musical instruments from the church because he thought it was a distraction. This fiat was in spite of the fact that the Psalms are replete with references to musical instruments and how they were used in worshipping the Lord. It is he who is defining “church”. Never mind scripture that says such things as this:
Ø “Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings” (Psalms 33:2)
Ø “Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God” (Psalms 147:7)
Ø “Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalms 150:1-6)
By now we should be able to clearly see that, though an intellectual giant, Calvin was spiritually bankrupt. He had absolutely no concept of the spiritual aspect of Christianity and therefore no concept of true praise or worship, both of which are part and parcel of Christianity. To Calvin, who was operating entirely in the “flesh” and therefore in the “natural”, praise and worship was distant and was considered a matter that was only accessible intellectually. It is evidenced that, to him they were little more than a performance. That means that there could be no communion between man and God brought about by worship because there was no Spirit-led worship; it was all Calvin-led.
This immediately nullifies praise and worship to the believer altogether since both are spiritual matters. There isn’t a single recorded incidence of his taking a short time from his polemics and religious tirades to simply commune with God and worship Him. The matter was entirely foreign to him yet he sets himself to be the designer of praise and worship in the church. This is further evidence that Calvin omitted the spiritual aspect of the Bible in its entirety and that he had no knowledge of God or His word at all.
Why is this acceptable to any Christian much less to so many believers? Why do believers follow a man who didn’t know Christ and who was not led of the Spirit and had no fellowship with the Father? Why is a man driven of the “spirit of error” sought after by so many though there is no proof he was even saved? How can a man who omits the entire spiritual aspect of the Bible (thereby maiming the efficacy of the word of God) be considered a “reformer” or some other authority or paragon of Christianity?
A Hostile Gospel
Because Calvin was so adamantly focused on his polemic,[50] we really need to note here that the Greek root word for “polemic” is “warlike and hostile”.[51] This sort of hostility concerning the ministry isn’t demonstrated in the “New Testament”. This evident and abiding rancor was obvious in his private life as well. We see this commentary in one particular biography: “Calvin had many acquaintances but few close friends”. [52] Contrast this to the Apostles Peter, Paul, and John, who were close friends to all.
We see in the Bible such things as:
Ø “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (1 John 4:7-8)
Ø “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him” (1 John )
Ø “Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
When one compares Calvin’s documented life and lifestyle to scripture, he sees no comparison at all. The Bible further clarifies:
Ø “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25)
Virtually every single account and facet of John Calvin’s life militates against this and other scripture. He was in constant strife and debate rather than abiding in peace. He was not gentle. In fact, because he didn’t believe that a believer could ever be manifestly righteous (righteousness and peace cannot be separated), his doctrines excused him from actually being manifestly Christian. He was then justified in excusing his behavior altogether.
This variance with the word of God again demonstrates the lack of peace in which he dwelt. He was continually contending with and in strife with others. Doing so obviates the word of peace which is the word of the very God of peace. Let’s examine more of the word of peace:
Ø And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” (Romans 1:28-32)
It doesn’t take much study to see how words like “proud”, “murder”, “without natural affection”, “debate”, “strife”, “unmerciful”, “implacable”, and “spiritually ignorant” define Calvin’s life. His documented life, but particularly concerning debate, aligns with the definition of a “natural man” with all consistency.
The word for debate in the Bible is:
Ø 2054 eris {er’-is} of uncertain affinity; n f
AV - strife 4, debate 2, contention 2, variance 1; 9
1) contention, strife, wrangling
(per Strong’s Concordance)
Because Calvin was demonstrably “natural”, his overall conversation can be summarized by scripture:
Ø “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians )
There was nothing “spiritual” about Calvin or his concocted doctrines. In other words, God had no part in the matter. Neither did “truth” have a part because God’s word is “the truth”. Though many were his equal, it would be difficult to find anyone on the planet during the time of Calvin to find someone any more carnal, worldly, or natural.
It is impossible to miss the fact that being “religious” (i.e. involving subjective interpretation and therefore being carnal and of the “spirit of error”) blocks any progressive revelation by the Holy Spirit as is given in the Bible. Apart from the Spirit of Truth, who reveals the word of truth, there can be no orthodoxy. Calvin dismisses any revelation of God’s word other than his. He then protects his doctrines from scrutiny by deeming as heretical anyone daring to do so. Anyone daring to resist him is denounced. The progressive revelation of God’s word is thwarted and error is preserved. We need only to read what the Bible says to discredit Calvin’s philosophy:
Ø “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken” (Isaiah 28:10-13)
It must be understood that progressive revelation (e.g. “Line upon line, precept upon precept”) of the word of God is in strict accord with the “Law of Sowing and Reaping”. This law is the primary operational law of the entire Kingdom of God . At no time does God depart from this dynamic since, without it, there can be no accurate determining of God’s word or His Kingdom.[53] Revelation by the Holy Spirit and the “Law of Sowing and Reaping” is, without exception, the sole dynamic of receiving the complete understanding of the word of the Lord (the word of God being a “seed”[54]).
This spiritual axiom is nevertheless undiscovered by Calvin altogether. It remains entirely absent from all of his teachings though it was Christ’s chief teaching. Instead, he constructs his doctrines from his own and others’ beliefs. Never does he seek first the Kingdom of God as is demonstrated by his extraordinary lack of understanding of spiritual things (including God Himself).
Under such “religious” environments, once doctrines have been put in place, the subscribers must jealously guard and defend them and even God is not allowed to interfere.[55] So it is with “Calvinism”. “Calvinism” is not just considered “a gospel” but rather is considered by many to be “the gospel”. In reality, it is nothing less than a product of the “spirit of error” and of a man who cannot be scripturally defined as being a Christian.
In these cases, the Lord is no longer referenced for revelation or answers to doctrinal questions because their adherents (in this instance, “Calvinism”) already have “the gospel”. They don’t need anything else and don’t need to ask God for anything else. It’s all settled. There is no more “progressive revelation” because “we have it all”. After all, “the Bible says exactly what it says and we believe the Bible so that’s the end of that”. “Calvinism” becomes an inviolate monument without regard to further development and became sanctioned, canonized, and beyond scrutiny. It is defended with fierce alacrity just like any good Catholic would do (given that the two are of the same spirit).
Despite a determination to read the Bible “literally”, interpretation is still left open to the reader (who is understood to be seeking the Lord for revelation). In this case it is Calvin who renders the interpretation. He establishes his humanistic and Catholic version of “Christianity” then forcefully imposes it as the Godly paradigm (again, with all others determined to be heretical).
It is incumbent upon the believer to seek the revelation of God’s word regardless of what man’s doctrines may indicate or stipulate. But, it should be noted that, in doing so, the believer will most assuredly suffer serious consequences if he challenges the established doctrines of “Calvinism”. Defenders of “Calvinism” think that their detractors are worthy of Hell’s fire.[56]
It is understood that, to be able to properly interpret the word of God, you must be filled with His spirit, be seeking His Kingdom, be spiritually minded and not carnally minded by putting on the mind of Christ. Calvin was none of these nor did he demonstrate any such inclination to be such.
Incredibly, his doctrines preclude the believer’s need to be filled with the Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation though the entire “New Testament” demonstrates this dynamic time and again and it is clearly taught. In other words, Calvin even removes the Teacher Himself (the Holy Spirit) from the Lord’s people! This simultaneously eliminated the power of God with which to minister the ministry of reconciliation, and abolished any spiritual revelation of God’s word by the Holy Spirit to the individual.
In other words, the “lay” people must rely solely upon John Calvin for orthodoxy and any “word from God”. In effect, the individual is removed from having direct access to the Kingdom of God just as it is in Catholicism. Calvin allowed for no deviation. It all must be filtered through John Calvin, the pope and vicar, if you please.
Surely the believer can seek the Kingdom of God and is exhorted to do so by “Calvinists”. However, in all accordance to “acceptable contradictions”, regardless of what revelation the individual receives from God, it must first be assayed by “the church”. Though the revelation is of God but it doesn’t fit into Calvin’s definition of “orthodoxy”, then the believer will be an enemy of the church.
Without the power of God in the church, only the self-appointed may minister (in true Catholic form). Though the Bible is clear that everyone is to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, with “Calvinism”, everyone else (the un-trained or “lay people”) are without the Spirit of God and His power. Let’s make this abundantly clear: the infilling of the Spirit subsequent to salvation is a dynamic about which the Bible is overwhelmingly clear. Yet again, we see the doctrinally-induced blindness that doesn’t allow the truth to interfere with “Calvin the Reformer”: he is on a crusade.
Calvin then erected a church hierarchy and ministry that is a greatly mongrelized and powerless perversion of the one found in the Bible. Again, an excerpt from “Discovery and Reformation”:
Following the history of the earliest church recounted in the New Testament book, The Acts of the Apostles, Calvin divided church organization into four levels:
Ø Pastors: These were five men who exercised authority over religious matters in Geneva ;
Ø Teachers: This was a larger group whose job it was to teach doctrine to the population.
Ø Elders: The Elders were twelve men (after the twelve Apostles) who were chosen by the municipal council; their job was to oversee everything that everybody did in the city.
Ø Deacons: Modeled after the Seven in Acts 6-8, the deacons were appointed to care for the sick, the elderly, the widowed and the poor
We immediately see that Calvin overtly disregards the history of the earliest church and gives no esteem to the real ministry outlined in the Bible. Instead, he divided church organization into the respective parts as he saw fit and that closely fit the Catholic model.
God had already established the church hierarchy but Calvin knew better than God and redefines and structures the matter for his own purposes. We see that he purposely omits the apostolic and prophetic ministries without even commenting on the matter judging them to be without contemporary merit or standing. He also configures his definition of the four above ministries with himself being head over all. Calvin didn’t believe in these powerful ministries and didn’t understand them so he shamelessly eliminated them by simply re-inventing the ministry and excluding them.[57]
Likewise, he assigns his beliefs as to what the “ministry gifts” to the body are supposed to do in direct opposition to the Bible. These ministry gifts then become a “job description” if you please and not a calling. It doesn’t take long to notice that there is only a superficial connection between what the Bible says these ministries are and what Calvin, as Pope, has dictated that they should be. Trying to equate and emulate the ministry of elders to the apostolic ministry simply because there were twelve apostles and you assign twelve elders as overseers is profoundly more than a violation of reason.
While there certainly is a hierarchy in the church,[58] the concept of “church government” as potentates who are the sole dispensers of orthodoxy is simply not in the Bible. That position was for the Apostolic ministry which is comprised of prophets and teachers who wait on the Lord continually.[59] This is a fact which escapes Calvin altogether in his self-blinding attempt to be a “reformer” and to ruthlessly promote his ideas. Referring again to Washington State University ’s “Discovery and Reformation” website we see this:
Ø “Calvin wrote commentaries to ostensibly explain scriptural writings, but in reality he, like theologians before him, used the commentaries to argue for his own theology as he believed was present in scriptural writings. They are less an explanation of the Bible than a piece by piece construction of his theological, social, and political philosophy”
Calvin’s re-invention of the “ministry” eliminated orthodoxy to the body altogether. He did so by eliminating God-appointed “Apostolic Order” and disallowed the Holy Spirit access to the church and disallowed the church access to the Holy Spirt. In doing so, he also eliminated the power of the word of God in the church because it’s the truth that makes free. He then protected his empire by eliminating the “line upon line” spiritual growth aspect of Christianity and the Kingdom of God . What better way for Satan to hamstring an enemy than to take away the power of God. Calvin couldn’t conceive that God could raise up men who were called and anointed to serve His people in all meekness, lowliness, and humility as did the Apostle Paul. In other words, God needed only Calvin’s help and no one else in reforming the unholy mess called Catholicism.
His only example of “apostolic succession” was that of the “Catholic Church”. Rather than reason that the Catholics had perverted the apostolic ministry and that he should repair/restore the matter, he simply eliminated it altogether. That immediately eliminated orthodoxy and made Calvin the “law giver” and final authority on doctrine. According to history, this suited John Calvin just fine as he was quite comfortable with his new papacy.
At this point we are getting a very well documented picture of John Calvin and his contentious life without peace.
Partial Biography of John Calvin
Notice this disturbing information from the biography about Calvin: [60]
Ø “……the people of Geneva believed that they had thrown away one church only to see it replaced by an identical twin; in particular, they saw Calvin's reforms as imposing a new form of papacy on the people, only with different names and different people”
This is really frightening information. One would think that even the most perfunctory glance at this man’s history would cause any reasonable Christian to run away in haste. Instead, for reasons known only to God, people have actually accepted this hideous hoax as “the gospel” and continue to proffer it as “the truth” and “the only gospel”. They expend great amounts of energy to defend with alacrity this indefensible doctrine of the “spirit of error”.[61]
As we have seen, it is astonishing that there is very little reason to think that John Calvin ever experienced “salvation”. Here’s what the “Catholic Encyclopedia” has to say about the matter:
Ø “By 1527, when no more than eighteen, Calvin's education was complete in its main lines. He had learned to be a humanist and a reformer. The "sudden conversion" to a spiritual life in 1529, of which he speaks, must not be taken quite literally”
The “New Geneva Center ” website says this:
Ø Then, somewhere in the period 1532-1534 Calvin experienced a "sudden conversion" (the details of which unfortunately he never discussed publicly.) From this point on his well organized mind was given over to theology rather than the law
It is critical to note that Calvin’s mind was given to “theology” and not given to seeking the Kingdom of God and His will. We never see fasting and praying and waiting on the Lord but only a bellicose fighter with a hostile proffering of his ideas. He was a “reformer” but we never see the heart of a servant; we only see a “theologian” and a man with a mission.
As was stated before, terribly conspicuous is his lack of public confession or profession of Christ.[62] We see that he was “ashamed” of his alleged conversion because he never discussed it openly. At the “Learning Site” website we see that Calvin makes but one public statement regarding his “conversion”:
Ø “At some point between 1529 and 1533 he experienced a "sudden conversion" and grasped Protestantism. ‘God subdued my soul to docility by a sudden conversion’ was how Calvin described this experience”
The author can speak for most Christians that they are always ready to speak about their deliverance from sin and the wondrous gift of eternal life.
Does it not seem rather odd that the man who created an entire reformation and religious movement never once publicly spoke about his conversion? “God subdued my soul” certainly doesn’t seem at all in alignment with what we recognize as a “born again” experience. We should be hearing “I was born again” or “I confessed with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believed in my heart that God raised Him from the dead”. We hear no such thing. We only hear a terse comment about his soul being “subdued”. That is hardly consistent with scripture where we find that the soul is “subdued” through discipline and with much patience and effort and in accordance with and by the word of God through the Spirit. It doesn’t happen upon “conversion”.[63]
This “conversion” leaves one suspect (if not confused) when we take into account that his “subdued soul” was capable of, among other things, torture, manipulation, strife, hatred, and murder. And, as previously noted, it wasn’t until the last six months of his life that there is even any mention of him spending any time in prayer. Contrast this with the Apostle Paul who labored in travail and prayer sometimes day and night.[64]
Complicit in Conspiracy and Murder
Earlier we found that, on October 26, 1553 , Calvin was a conspirator in the murder of an adversary, Michael Servetus, whom he had burned at the stake.[65] This is what the “Atheism”[66] website has to say:
Ø “Not everyone approved of Calvin's changes, but they were tortured and killed if they were caught. One famous dissenter was Michael Servetus (1511-1553), a physician who also wrote about theology and politics. His basic argument was that state and church should not be combined - it was wrong when Constantine originally did it and it was wrong now that Calvin was doing it.[67] He was burned very slowly at a stake and this event has become a symbol for all of the religious repression which occurred”
Later on he had a man beheaded after the man signed a contract attesting to his conversion to “Calvinism” but then changed his mind.[68] Killing another believer is hardly the action of a Christian but it was, in fact, entirely consistent with the spirit of Calvin’s Catholic and humanistic upbringing. The Bible is more than clear that we are to love one another and even prefer them over our own selves.
History recounts that Catholics burned, tortured, slaughtered, and beheaded millions of their Christian enemies or anyone who didn’t accept their belief system.[69] John Calvin made no reformation of this practice but embraced it wholeheartedly. To even the casual observer, one can see that Calvin equated the term “Reformer” to “Inquisitor”.
We can see that Calvin was demonstrably less than “Christian” when we observe this comment at another website.[70]
Ø “The cold, hard, but upright disposition characteristic of the Reformed Churches, less genial than that derived from Luther, is due entirely to their founder himself. Its essence is a concentrated pride, a love of disputation, a scorn of opponents”
Apparently, John Calvin somehow managed to receive a revelation of the word of God that “Christians” are to be prideful, scorners, lovers of disputation, and killers of all those who were not in agreement with them. The Bible says that we are to walk in love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. It says to love our enemies and to pray for them that despitefully use you. It says that we are to be “Christ-like” and even turn the other cheek if necessary to be peace-keepers.
These foundational principles of Christianity are nowhere to be found in Calvin’s thinking. Rather, his doctrines are a patchwork of his personal beliefs, aspirations, others’ ideas, and goals that are entrenched in humanism and Catholicism which is an abominable and unholy agglomeration of Christian and pagan doctrines.
Though he did agree with some of the principles that were in existence at the time, he promptly “reformed” them into his version of what Christianity should be. He then enforced his position rather than be in peace and lead as a loving and good shepherd.
A Doctrine to Be Shunned
According to “Calvinism”, man is depraved and evil of heart.[71] This assertion certainly cannot be challenged on its face value. However, this doctrine is what some call “a lie skinned in truth”. The absolute truth is that man is terribly depraved. The lie inside this insidious doctrine is Calvin’s erroneous and scripturally blind insistence that man is still depraved after salvation. This doctrine nullifies the work of the cross!
This is the origin of the Calvinist’s corrupt axiom, “We are sinners saved by grace” with the tacit understanding that the believer will never be anything else other than a depraved “sinner”. According to Calvin we can never actually be Christians. This idea militates against one hundred percent of New Testament teaching. The Bible says that “We were sinners and that we are saved by grace through faith”. It then says that we are now new creatures and that the Lord, using His word, writes His laws in our hearts and minds. We now have a pure heart of flesh instead of stone. It says that we are to be bearers of the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Christ came to set us free from the depravity of sinfulness. It never says that we are to remain helpless and under the bondage of sin. In no few references it advises that we are to be manifestly holy and dead to the world. In fact, it states clearly that sin no longer has dominion over us because we are not under the “Ten Commandments”. In other words, it is only by using “cut and paste theology” that Calvin can arrive at such thinking that is so antithetical to scripture, which destroys the work of the cross, and which cripples all faith and all hope. Calvin surrenders to Satan and basically binds Christians to sin and death. He forbids them to ever become mature, fruitful, and powerful believers and forces them to believe that God wants it that way!
This is yet another example of the constant conflict of Calvinism with God’s word. Under Calvin’s teachings, you are saved by grace. But, you can never be a Christian because you are still a sinner and grace can’t make you anything else. This is despite scripture to the contrary and despite the inescapable fact that the term “Christian” means “Christ-like”. Adherents to “Calvinism” are in defiance of their own doctrines if they call themselves “Christians”. This is more of the “acceptable contradiction” tenet.
To be able to accept such an anomalous and conflicting doctrine, you must first study “Calvinism” then read the Bible. By doing so you learn to “see what you believe” in the Bible. It is absolutely impossible to study the Bible (without denominational influence) and accept “Calvinism” because you learn to “believe what you see” in the Bible. The two are worlds apart.
The attitude of, “I’m still a sinner and can be nothing else because I can do nothing about it” certainly explains why Calvin, as a sinner, was able to conscience killing his enemies and be the “dictator of Geneva ”.[72] He simply “couldn’t help himself”. This appears to be fundamental given the evidence that he did little if anything Christian. Since God didn’t stop him, he was justified in whatever he did. After all, as a “sinner”, he was “evil of heart”.[73] If the Lord didn’t intervene, he was not obligated to change or to adhere to the teaching of His word.
This belief has been reinforced in modern times. The author has heard a nationally-known radio preacher declare that “There is nothing you can do to be a better Christian”. This proclamation enforces the immediate absolving of Christian discipline altogether. It releases the believer from the corresponding action to his faith and that includes his disciplines without which you cannot be Christ’s disciple. And, it totally contradicts what the Bible exhorts the believer to do which is exactly to become a better Christian through discipline, study, and prayer. Calvin seems to have overlooked the fact that the Bible says we are to make “disciples” and not “converts”. The concept of “converts” is, yet again, wholly Catholic and consistent with that same “spirit of error”. This entire philosophy is with us today.
This abnegation of responsibility is the ultimate faith killer in Christianity. Under it, the believer is forced to allow sin, sickness, darkness, and evil to triumph over him at all times. Under it, he can never appropriate the covenant promises of God in Christ (how can he? He is completely unaware of them because Calvin didn’t teach it). He can only hope that he is good enough so that the Lord may trickle a blessing his way and maybe favor him enough to not kill him for being an old sinner. By eliminating faith, and therefore power, Calvin surrendered the body of Christ into the hands of Satan.
Reiterating: this 500 year old Calvinistic carryover is destroying Christians by absolving them of the responsibility to actually be a Christian. It must never be forgotten that the very foundation of freedom and liberty is personal responsibility. If we are to be of the “Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus” and experience being “free indeed”, then we must do so with responsibility. It is so in the natural realm in the maintaining of a free nation such as the United States of America and it is so in the spiritual realm regarding abiding in the Kingdom of God and in the word and Spirit.
In fact, discipline is the “corresponding action” to our faith that we believe we really are “Christians”. Without discipline, there can never be manifest Christianity. There can only be imputed righteousness. This dynamic leaves the believer bereft of the promises of God and perennially infantile and without the peaceable fruits of righteousness.
We find a much different story when thoroughly and diligently studying the Bible without denominational filters. It clearly presents the fact that we are “new creatures” and that “old things are past away” and that we now have a divine nature:
Ø “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians )
Ø “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:4)
Again, a further historical survey shows John Calvin to be just about everything other than a “Christian” and nothing at all was new about him at all. Of the voluminous writings by him and about him, there is nowhere to be found a simple account of him as being a scripturally-defined Christian. There simply was no fruit and no change.
According to the Washington State University website, he was “dedicated to the reformation of the (Protestant) church”.[74] It is more than just interesting to note that the Bible teaches us that we should be dedicated to seeking the Kingdom of God and serving others. We are to be humbly obedient to God while being filled with the word and Spirit of God so that our lives may be transformed. It is that transformed life and being led of the Spirit that will cause “reformation”. In fact, it is that transformed life out of which all “ministry” originates. Strife, debate, political manipulation and intrigue, secular academics, enforcement of doctrines, and the domination of others can hardly be called “reformation”. And, it certainly cannot be called “Christian”. It can be called “Calvinism”.
We also read in the Bible, regardless of ministry calling, that we should be servants to our brethren and not controllers who forcefully impose our belief system and politics upon others. Calvin’s life is a huge canvas that paints a picture of virtually every single thing other than what would be expected to see in a “servant of the Lord”:
Ø “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:5-7)
Calvin could, at no time, be documented as being a “servant” or as having the “mind of Christ” (i.e. the mind of peace and reconciliation to God in all meekness). At not time has anyone ever called John Calvin “humble”.
The Bible further addresses this matter concerning false prophets in no uncertain terms:
Ø “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew -20)
Once again, the peaceable fruit of righteousness: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, was never found in this man’s life at any time.[75]
This is also to say that Calvin had no wisdom because the wisdom from above is first pure then peaceable:
Ø “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy” (James 3:17)
There is no record of Calvin exhibiting any of these. Further, you can only get Godly wisdom from God’s word because His word is made unto us all wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. If you don’t have a revelation of the word, then you don’t have a revelation of wisdom. And, therefore, you will not have a revelation of Christ because He is the word and wisdom of God altogether.[76]
The Nicolaitan Spirit
Is it so hard to discern this dominating spirit found in Calvinism and many other religions? It is the spirit that desires to rule over others and it is the Catholic “Nicolaitan”[77] spirit (i.e. “conquers of the people”)?:[78]
Ø “But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” (Revelation 2:6)
Ø “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate” (Revelation )
We see this controlling doctrine that rules over and conquers others rather than serving them, is hated by God. It is found in both the church in Ephesus and the church in Pergamos. It most assuredly is running rampant in the modern churches who are themselves the daughters of Catholicism. This is also to reiterate that “Calvinism” has tainted all of the contemporary churches.
Let’s ask a question: “Why does a successful lawyer desire to be a ‘reformer’ rather than be an obedient servant like the Apostle Paul? Why do we only see an ambitious controller instead of a loving and compassionate shepherd who cares about the Lord’s sheep? Why do we find strife and endless debate at the very core of his life and not a trace of love?”. Hear the words of a true servant of the Lord:
Ø “Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will” (2 Timothy 2:22-26)
Though having an outward appearance of righteousness (i.e. appearing to hate sin and living piously), we do not see Calvin following righteousness, faith, charity, and peace. He simply had no concept of the “ministry of reconciliation” spoken of by the Apostle Paul.[79]
The ministry of reconciliation is the ministry of reconciling others to the peace of God in Christ Jesus. Calvin had no peace and therefore didn’t know the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus, thus he could not have operated in the “ministry of reconciliation to peace”. He could only force people into subjection to his beliefs. He had no idea about the Gospel of peace because he didn’t know peace.
This isn’t just a subjective opinion. It is spiritual law. Where peace is, Christ is. Where peace is not, Christ is not because He has no authority over “un-peace”. Un-peace is darkness and there is a “Prince of Darkness”, Satan. Christ has no authority over darkness. It isn’t His realm. His realm is the realm of light and the Kingdom of Light . Since Calvin was continually in darkness, God could have no part in the matter.
Wouldn’t it be expedient, therefore, to simply say that Calvin was “anti-Christ” in spirit, nature, and function since he wasn’t “Christian” other than in name? We are forced to ask these particular questions because of the disassociation between what the word of God says and what we see in Calvin’s life. His life is severely distant from that of a “servant of the Lord”, distant from peace, and distant from the truth of the word of God. If a person does not live the word then he is “anti-word”. Since Christ is the word, then he is also “anti-Christ” in spirit and nature:
Ø “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time” (1 John 2:18)
Since the “spirit of error” is anti-truth” then it is anti-Christ because Christ is “The Truth”. Because Calvin was of the “spirit of error” then he was of the “spirit of anti-Christ”.
A serious note should be made here that success is not a stamp of approval from God. The Muslims, Buddhists Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Scientists, and other religions have been successful yet God has had nothing to do with their propagation. In fact, even Communism was spread from only a dozen committed “believers”. It was successful in controlling half of the planet for two generations and is still influencing the world today but it isn’t Godly. It is anti-Christ in spirit and nature. So, success is not an endorsement from God.
More About Calvinism
“Calvinism” was basically forced upon the people of Genoa who, during a power play, revolted against their rulers in the 1520’s. As we have seen, it is a religion founded in strife, debate, and murder and was then propagated through fear and control. This is how man operates. God has no part in this mockery regardless of its apparent primacy.
Astonishingly, this insidious doctrine of the “spirit of error” and the “spirit of the Nicolaitans” are easily revealed and debunked with nothing more than a King James Bible and a “Strong’s Concordance”. In fact, studying is probably not necessary. Just noting Calvin’s incredible lack of fruition and carnality should be so powerfully compelling as to dismiss the man and his doctrines altogether.
Yet, there are men with doctorates in theology who embrace this powerless sham of a “gospel” with an unholy fervor in the same manner as Calvin. They are blinded to even the basics of Christianity that are clearly delineated in the Bible because they are of the same “spirit of error”.[80] It is beyond reason that they refuse to even question this poor and flimsy excuse for Christianity and readily swallow its poisonous dichotomies as though it were a dainty pastry. They then become ensconced in a historically cemented cocoon proclaiming that their belief is: “……..the theology of all the key Protestant Reformers.”[81]
Sadly, such teachers will then gainsay the truth of God’s word when it is presented to them just as did Calvin, the Scribes, Pharisees, and the Sadducees. They decry the true servants of the Almighty God and are not unlike those who stoned Stephen the evangelist who dared to speak “the truth” to them. They too believe that they are the defenders of “the gospel” yet, all the while, they are enemies of God.
In reality, their “gospel” is far from “the gospel” they believe it to be. They fight against God with alacrity believing that they are actually preaching the same “gospel” as did Paul the Apostle. Nothing could be further from the truth as there are few ties between them and the apostle of God. They aver that, because they “preach Jesus and Him crucified”, it is the equivalent to all of what Paul the Apostle preached. Such a consideration is simply not reconcilable to common sense.
We can easily find a demonstrative parallel in the Bible. In the time of Christ, the religious leaders were men given to studying the scripture from their childhood. They had all of the answers. You could even call them the “Bible Answer Men” of their era. Yet, despite their scholarly prowess, they did not recognize “the Truth” when He came to them.[82] In fact, they crucified the Lord of glory. So it is today.
This phenomenon is seen on every hand. There are websites which decry the revealed word of God as being “heresy” and “lies” and being apart from “mainstream Christianity” (noting that the Pharisees and Sadducees were quite “mainstream”). The servants of God are gainsaid as being “heretics” and “false prophets”. This is to say that the false “gospel” of “Calvinism” is being heralded as the standard by which the gospel that the Apostle Paul preached is condemned. In other words, “a lie” is being used to judge “the truth”.
Obviously, it takes great deception to be able to take such a stand. We can actually say this about “Calvinists”: they never allow “the truth” (the anointed living word of God) to interfere with their beliefs and doctrines. They defend their position at all cost and, in this case, that cost is the truth of God’s word and the freedom that it affords.
This teaching is not at all intended to be regarded as a demeaning or offensive to any particular Christian and their beliefs. It is, however, entirely meant to offend the doctrines of Catholic humanist, John Calvin. The man simply cannot be convicted in any court of being a Christian. He was and still is a deceiver of the highest order.
Is the author aware of the fact that many people have been saved by "Calvinists" who were preaching “Christ and Him crucified”? The answer is, “most certainly”. The fact is that it really doesn’t matter who preaches Christ and Him crucified. This is the main theme of Christianity. The Holy Spirit will use any vessel willing to preach this immutable fact of the resurrected Christ and people will be saved. In fact, you can even simply play it on a tape recorder and someone will get saved if they hear it. It surely doesn’t mean that the mechanical player is anointed of God. It is an instrument that carries the message of salvation. Paul the Apostle made this exact point as well. But, enslaving the people of God with “religion” after salvation is neither part nor parcel of “the gospel”.
God does not sanction the entirety of one’s doctrines merely because people are being saved through the preaching of the message of salvation through Christ alone. To think that would be like a man who successfully adds air to the tires of a car and then considers himself to be a great mechanic for the entire vehicle. There are even beautiful and precious Catholic believers who are born again and who love Christ Jesus our Lord. Most of their doctrines are not in alignment with the Bible but that does not negate the fact that they believe, preach, and teach salvation by grace through faith. The “by grace through faith” message stands alone.
The responsibility is for each individual believer to have revelation of the word of God through His word (God can only be revealed by His word) and to bear the peaceable fruit of righteousness. This cannot happen if the believer is trapped in faith-destroying “Calvinism”.
Therefore, this teaching is simply to reveal the error of “Calvinism” for what it is: a false doctrine of the “spirit of error” generated by a false teacher. It is so that the people of God may be “free indeed” and throw off the shackles of “religion” and humanism so that they may have life and that more abundantly. It is so they can, in full compliance with God’s word and will, grow in grace and in peace unto manifest righteousness and holiness in this life for His glory. It is so they may receive the fullness of the gracious covenant afforded us in Christ.
[1] 1 Peter 5:8
[2] John 10:10
[3] We also see this in non-Christian religions such as Islam where they will kill you if you are not one of them
[4] They actually remove the spiritual aspect of being a Christian from the Bible
[5] Matthew & Luke
[6] A mere presumption of Christ
[7] Matthew 12:25. This is immutable spiritual law
[8] It is beyond the scope of this teaching to relate the influence of “Calvinism” in other parts of the world
[9] http://www.flowofhistory.com/Reading85A.FragRef.htm
[10] Rebellion against the Catholic church is not a qualification for someone to head a new “religion”
[11] http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/REFORM/CALVIN.HTM
[12] Calvinists study their doctrines. They do not study the Bible or they would no longer be a Calvinist
[13] We know this to be true because of “Calvinism’s” many many contradictions and conflicts with scripture.
[14] Matthew & Matthew
[15] Proverbs 2:7
[16] If that were not the case there would only one truth and one church just as there is one Christ Jesus who is the truth
[17] The “spirit of error” is the same regardless of application or circumstance
[18] Which is invariably eliminated
[19] http://www.evangelicaloutreach.org/ashes.htm
[20] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Servetus
[21] ibid
[23] http://www.evangelicaloutreach.org/ashes.htm
[24] http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/calvin.htm
[25] http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/John_Calvin.htm
[26] http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/calvin.htm
[27] 2 Corinthians 5:18
[28] http://www.iep.utm.edu/calvin/.We We actually see more philosophical structure manifested in Calvinism than this article appears to acknowledge
[29] ibid
[30] A school of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC
[31] There is no such thing as a “lay ministry” in the Bible but there is in Catholicism and other cults
[32] 1 Peter 5:1
[33] “Fox’s Book of Martyrs”
[34] The three aspects of Christianity are the historical, practical, and spiritual
[35] John 15:5
[36] Romans 8:6
[37] James 3:15
[38] You cannot separate “peace” from the “Prince of Peace”. Where peace is, Christ is. Where peace is not, Christ is not.
[39] ibid
[40] Emphasis added
[41] http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/John_Calvin.htm
[42]We see this exact dynamic in politics which is, by and large, of the same spirit of error
[43] Those not claiming to be “Calvinists” but who ignorantly operate in these same doctrines are, in fact, “Calvinists”
[44] http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/John_Calvin.htm
[45] Ephesians chapter 4
[46] Merely noting that God is all powerful but then choosing not to manifest that power in no way constitutes an acceptance of power in the church. The power of God has always been manifest in the church but Calvin denies this immutable fact
[47] http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/John_Calvin.htm
[48] Mark being one example
[49] ibid
[50] “An argument or controversial discussion” per http://www.yourdictionary.com/polemic
[51] Wikipedia.org
[52] GreatSite.com
[53] Even the Kingdom of God is a seed (Mark )
[54] Mark 4
[55] Do we not see this with Islam, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Moonies, Mormonism, and all other cults?
[56] This is to say that, if you are not predestined to be a “Calvinist”, you aren’t saved and therefore, “ you can go straight to Hell with our approval”
[57] To eliminate ministry gifts that God Himself instituted in the church (and calling it “reformation”) must take an incredible lack of the fear of the Lord
[58] God always uses proper Godly authority
[59] As witnessed in Acts 13:1-3
[61] 1 John 4:6
[62] Why was he ashamed to confess Christ?
[63]“Calvinists” appear to separate “regeneration” from “conversion”. This apparently is due to an intellectual conclusion and not from revelation of God’s word. The two are the same
[64] 1 Thessalonians 2:9
[65] Catholic Encyclopedia http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03195b.htm
[66] Referenced simply for an objective opinion
[67] It is important to note that Calvin’s opinion is entirely opposite of the founding fathers of this nation
[68] http://www.evangelicaloutreach.org/ashes.htm
[69] Fox’s Book of Martyrs
[70] “Virtualology.com”
[71] The ”total depravity of man” part of the “TULIP” acronym used by Calvinists
[72] http://www.1timothy4-13.com/files/bible/calvin.html
[73] God has always made a provision for a “clean heart” e.g. Psalm 51:10 &73:10
[74] The seed for this dedication seems to have planted prior to his (questionable) conversion
[75] Galatians 5:22-23
[76] 1 Corinthians – God’s word and His wisdom can never be separated
[77] “Conqueror of the people”
[78] Any religious system that has a single central power figure (e.g. a pope) that disallows personal revelation of God’s word and that considers the people or “laity” is “nicolaitan”
[79] 1 Corinthians 5:18-19
[80] They do not study the Bible; they study their doctrines. It is absolutely impossible to study the Bible and be a “Calvinist”
[81] http://www.biblebb.com/files/MAC/SC03-1022CDNotes.htm. It never seems to dawn on “Calvinists” that, if the entire foundation is flawed, then everything built upon the foundation will be flawed.
[82] John 16:3 Jesus is the truth