Thursday, November 2, 2023



An Unsound Mind


For the previous some odd years, those who follow politics can’t help notice the plethora of comments and accusations used by those on the (political) right to judge those on the (political) left. For instance, there are comments that include pejoratives like: the loony left, left-wing loony, left-wing nut job, left-wing moron, useful idiots, sick leftists, mentally ill left, dangerous progressives, and the like (some of which are not even remotely printable). We daily hear conversations peppered with words like “nuts”, “crazy”, “insane”, “unbelievable”, and many more such comments. Some openly aver that "Liberalism” (an unfortunately inaccurate misnomer for “leftists” that belies their truly un-American, Marxist, and progressive doctrines) is a mental disorder. Is that just a euphemism or perhaps is it just perfunctory and rhetorical: maybe just a few men’s opinion?

Can it be true that so many people (half the country’s population according to duly recorded voters’ bi-polar [sic] political disparity) could be so deliberately and harshly judged and esteemed as being bereft of a sound mind? Is it so that those being judged are manifestly and rabidly hostile to their own nation, their own heritage, and their own countrymen? Is it actually fathomable that half of our country cannot discern between good and evil and that they, in fact, call “good” evil and “evil” good?!

And, just whose and/or what standard of judgement is being used against these frothing-at-the-mouth-foes of righteousness? Is it an objective universal canon that presumes to apply to all men equally or is it a subjective cultural phenomenon (which would actually be a cultural failure if the first instance is true)?

Let’s start with some obvious anchors. This is necessary because we are going to see a dynamic where leftists/Democrats/Democratic Socialists/Marxists/Communists/Progressives depart from these anchors and continue with their short and long-term agendas to destroy America.

First is the constraint of the U.S. Constitution. It’s the “law of the land”. The interesting thing about laws is that they are rules that are not subject to negotiation. They are absolutes representing the bottom-line objective truth of any matter. They are the instruments by which peace is maintained for, without obedience to rules/laws/standards, there can be no civilized society and there can be no peace, therefore.

The U.S. Constitution was established by men who understood that it would not be a functional instrument without both compliance but also a certain people who were determined to make it work. In other words, a moral and righteous people who had the wisdom, understanding, and common sense to make it function as envisioned by its creators. It was, and is, the only document ever created that allowed for self-governance that implemented a very strictly limited leadership.   

This leads us to the next anchor and that is “the Rock”, Himself. This Rock is also an absolute. He is the absolute bottom-line truth and there is no other truth but Him and His word (He is also “The Word”). He not only has the truth but He is the truth. If there is no bottom-line truth, then there is lawlessness and the U.S. Constitution (or any other laws, for that matter) are rendered irrelevant. It is impossible to dwell safely and be quiet from the fear of evil in such an environment.  

Without controversy (and regardless of the gainsaying and whining of the left-wing haters of all that is Godly and good to the contrary), this nation was founded upon Christian principles. Our history is replete with examples of this fact that range from our highest leaders to the everyday citizens who built it. It takes extraordinary effort to deny this fact. Make note, therefore, that the left does, indeed, take extraordinary effort to deny this long-established and irrefutable fact.


To circumvent these inviolate and weighty principles, an entirely new vocabulary and narrative was constructed and which is strictly adhered to. They have words like “racist” which mean one thing to the right and another to the left. If you don’t agree with their definitions, you are racist. Their definition of “good” is “evil”. Their definition of “evil” is “good” all the while actually believing that they are without guilt and blame of any kind. It is a narrative that disallows mutual agreement which resolutely disallows peace. It takes not effort to notice that their “vocabulary manipulations” are in force every day that they are alive. “Doublespeak” is a mainstay.

The reason for this is simple. In their philosophy, there is neither good nor evil (without my trying to flood the place with philosophy, read Nietzsche’s thoughts). There is no right or wrong (ditto). Some call that “situational ethics” while those on the right vehemently disagree with such philosophy. 

It’s a relative morality which has no account for absolutes because there is no God who is absolute. Note that, if there are no absolutes, then there can be no absolute truth. If there is no absolute truth, there is no God because He is “the truth, the way, and the life”. In other words, they do not believe there is a God.

It’s the perfect doctrine and philosophy for those who deny/hate God, truth, justice, equality, and law (which is an absolute). It allows them to use whatever means and deception to force their un-American ideology on others (no one forfeits their freedom and marches into socialist slavery and tyranny on purpose). “Slavery is freedom” is their motto (Orwell was right).

They also rely upon partial definitions which hide all parts of their political agenda. They have a desire for America to become a one-world socialist cesspool of poverty and misery (poor, ignorant, and uneducated people are easier to rule over). So, they decry and gainsay any opponents for resisting their evil by accusing them of not caring for the poor and needy and the “haves” must “spread the wealth” with the “have nots” (and by force if necessary):

The difference between communism and socialism is that under socialism central planning ends with a gun in your face, whereas under communism central planning begins with a gun in your face ― Kevin D. Williamson, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism

Without controversy, the Democratic Party is (very openly) the “National Socialist Democratic American Worker’s Party” who hide behind the label “Democrat” under the guise of being the party of the working class and poor. It’s just another blatant deception.

In case you missed the undisguised reference here, there is no difference between the “National Socialist American Workers Party and the “National Socialist German Workers' Party” (“Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei”). The goals and (violent) agenda (i.e. “progress is made in the struggle//fight”) are one and the same (noting that Hitler was both a socialist and a fascist in the form and fashion of Mussolini[1]). 

They even have the same “Sturmabteilung” (literally “storm division”) to do their dirty work. The left call them “AntiFa” which are labeled as “anti-fascists” while actually being violent fascist “enforcers” of the agenda. Likewise, BLM (“Black Lives Matter”) falls neatly into the “Sturmabteilung” category. They accuse the political right of being fascists while they, themselves, are devout fascists.

The dichotomy and hypocrisy is far from lost on those who are paying attention. We need only to observe the year that the left embraced, encouraged (by Kamala Harris on national television, no less), protected, and even praised the terrorism, burning, looting, rioting, and other despicable acts perpetrated by their “Sturmabteilung” while the nation reeled in horror. Obviously, there are two sets of rules/laws and also a fervent penchant for lawlessness. Shameless hypocrisy is the norm.

The same applies with their concept of racism. The Democratic Party are racists to the core who delight in reverse discrimination to justify their lawlessness racist actions so as to implement their agenda. They use the same partial definitions and labels that hide their own racism while accusing others.

This is actually a diagnosable issue. It’s called “projection” which is the dynamic of accusing others of what you are doing.


For instance, when the right insists on equality being meritorious and earned, they are called “racist” because so many other non-whites are not included (according to leftist doctrine). The facts of the matter (like sacrificing, hard work, diligence, and delayed gratification) are considered irrelevant. It is demanded by the left that, those who don’t pay the price for success, must be included among the “privileged class”. It’s another part of “spread the largess” agenda while denigrating anyone who disagrees.

On the other hand, the left will institute “equality” legislation which ends up being reverse discrimination which is, not only unacknowledged, it is actually denied and, by law, it is demanded. This is why there is can be no negotiation.

For one thing, their agenda doesn’t allow for negotiation or anything other than the smallest compromises that can easily and quickly be recouped in the tactical sense. They have no desire for peace because, “progress is made in the struggle”. If they aren’t fighting and at war, then they aren’t making progress. That’s why everything is a “war” in America (“The War on Drugs”, “The War on Poverty”, “The War for Equality”, et. al.).

When we examine the situation between Israel and Palestine, we see the exact dynamic. The Palestinians have an agenda that they will not compromise with. The agenda is a simple one: death to all Jews and the eradication of Israel as a nation.[2] It’s called “genocide”. It’s quite fine to demand the eradication of the Jews and their nation but not fine if Hamas terrorists are killed. Because of the collateral casualties, the act of killing terrorists is considered “genocide” by the Palestinians. The fact that the Palestinians attacked Israel is not considered a factor because it was a necessary act to complete their centuries-long genocidal agenda.

This means that there can be no negotiation and, without negotiation and a desire for peace, there can be no peace. It’s quite irrational and is a paradoxical conundrum that feeds on itself.

Because it’s of the same “spirit of error”, it’s the identical tactic and agenda the left uses to destroy America. Compromise is unacceptable and every deception and tool is used (and justified) to protect themselves from being exposed by the truth and hypocrisy is a mainstay. It’s “death to America” to make way for a socialist dictatorship and then, ultimately, a new one-world order. The truth must be killed at all cost

Having said these things, let’s further include the spiritual aspect of the matter. There are only two spirits in the world. One is the “Spirit of Truth” which is the Spirit of God. The other is the “spirit of error” (1John 4:6) which is the converse and which is of the darkness of this world which is ruled over by the “Prince of Darkness”. Therefore, we can say this: there is either the love of the truth and for righteousness or a love of error and darkness and for every imaginable evil and unrighteousness. Note that you can’t have both because no man can love two masters.

We can also say: there is either a love for lawfulness and peace or there is a love for lawlessness and un-peacefulness. There is a love for life and the preservation of life or there is a love for killing, stealing, and destroying and a complete disregard for life/lives.

What we must account for is the reason why it must be this way. In darkness, there is no light. This is to say, there is no God because God is light. And, God is love. Love doesn’t kill, steal, and destroy. Rather, it builds up and heals and restores. God has given us His Spirit and it isn’t the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a “sound mind”:

·       For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2Ti 1:7)

Believers see all things through a logical and sound mind. That which appears rational to those in the world (who have rejected “the truth”) appears as inane and even insane to them. Those who are not saved from this world will still love it and the things in it. They will love their own and embrace darkness. They are implacable and think that “good” is evil and they give diligence to destroy it. They call “evil” good and revel in it. They are of an unsound mind, not having the Spirit of the Lord.

There is yet another dynamic that involves God with this matter. The left has rejected the love of the truth. They have no love for Christ, who is “THE TRUTH”. They have rejected God’s love, God’s word, God’s mercy, and all Godliness (i.e. they have rejected Christ who is all of these things). Rather, they have embraced evil and all darkness and carnality; they have embraced and had pleasure in all un-truthfulness and unrighteousness; they have embraced “the lie” of darkness. They are of their father, the Devil and they embrace all of his ways.

Here is what God has to say about it:

·       And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2Th 2:8-12)

Lest there be any squabble about “interpretation of scripture”, let us note that God is speaking and He is quite clear. No interpretation is needed or required for this passage.

It is imperative that we understand that we are not in the “end times”; we are in the “end-of-the-end-times”. This means that, because of His mercy that endures forever and His longsuffering toward men, God has given all men opportunities to forsake darkness and come to Christ in this hour.

Knowing this, we must also note again that Christ is “THE TRUTH” and that the left has rejected Him. When you reject “THE TRUTH”, you have rejected all truth and the truth is not in you. Therefore, your life is one of lies and lying and you are “anti-Christ” unto your death. The result is that the choice has been made and the Lord has sealed that choice in those who have rejected all truth.

Because of the rejection of truth, God has rejected them and has given them “strong delusion” (2Thess 2:11). What is delusion?:

From “Simply Psychology”:

Delusions in psychology are beliefs that persist despite evidence to the contrary

This means that there is nothing that can discourage them or dissuade them from their agenda of lies or their lifestyle of un-Godliness. They will be deceived and will follow the Anti-Christ” unto perdition and never know that he is not their savior but that he is their destruction.

And, it means even more than that. It means that you cannot break or countermand the delusion. Delusional people cannot be convinced that they are wrong (noting that “the way of a man is right in his own eyes”). They cannot be reckoned with; they cannot be reasoned with on any level. In fact, they think that is the believer’s (i.e. the “truthers”) who are delusional!

An example: not long ago a local friend stopped by for a visit. He is quite the successful and intellectual gentleman who is a staunch socialist, hard-core leftist, progressive, and is proud that he is. He understands that I don’t strive with him and his politics but that I accept him as he is. So, he feels free to express himself and he does just that.

Our conversation about why those on the right are the way they are (i.e. why they don’t’ line up with those on the left) led him to share the “revelation” that he had about them. “They’re delusional!”, he stated with a large smug grin. Those who call the sane, ‘insane”, are those who call “evil” good and “good” evil.

Because of this dynamic of their being irreversibly implacable, they cannot be reasoned with. Real history and irrefutable truth is anathema to leftists. Therefore, don’t reason or argue with them because any attempt to do so will be in vain.  Resist any and all temptation to “straighten them out”. Just don’t do it; it is a waste of time.

We can now, very correctly and incontrovertibly, conclude that they (the Democrats/leftist/socialists/communists/progressives/fascists) are, indeed, of an unsound mind. They do not have the “Spirit of Truth” abiding in them and they are, therefore, liars and deceivers; they are delusional and no mountain of facts and evidence are allowed to interfere with their narratives.

There is an extremely important epilog here. It is that we must not fret and worry about this matter. We must not “take thought” for it at all. We must obey scripture and cast the care/burden of this insanity over onto the Lord and He will sustain us. It cannot be dealt with in the “natural”.  In other words, we are to do all that we can to remain in peace and to not strive with the matter in our hearts and minds or to strive with men. As much as possible, we are to live in peace with all men.[3] Where peace is, God is. Where God is, blessings, wisdom, grace, peace, and strength abound.

God has a plan and it’s working. Our “job” is to simply remain in peace and be obedient to Christ’s commandments (not Moses’ Commandments) as we are led of His Spirit. If we do these things, we will be protected and will be found in the “strong tower” and safe from all harm. The Psalmist makes a sure statement:

·       A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling” (Ps 91:7-10)

We must always remember to obey the commandment, “The just shall live by faith”. It is incumbent upon us to protect our faith at all cost. It is a shield and part of the “full armor of God” that will protect us from all things. It is what is required to stand in these last days:

·       Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Eph 6:13)

“Fear not” is the commandment we hear repeatedly in the Bible. In these times, it is even more relevant. We must stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might and not be moved or swayed by the evil that abounds and even surrounds us. In fact, evil will wax (horribly) worse and worse until the Lord returns to stop it. We must build up ourselves on our most holy faith, praying without ceasing in the Holy Spirit, and keeping ourselves in the love of God. We must do it His way or we will lose.



[1] You may want to note the FDR was an admirer of Mussolini and Hitler

[2] Read Dennis Prager’s succinct account of this dynamic.

[3] Romans 12:18

Friday, January 29, 2021



Because of the fear, doubt, unbelief, waving faith, and even surrender to the enemy being seen in the body of Christ today (regarding the apparent defeat of President Donald J. Trump),  it is time to get things straight about this matter. People are losing their faith and hope (which the Bible calls “fainting in the mind” –Galatians 6:9) and some are even in despair. Others are accusing certain prophets and servants of God of being false prophets. This ought not to be.

We need to examine a few facts about what is happening to bring this situation into focus and not lose faith and/or hope. There are many rock-solid facts with which we are dealing and these facts must not be so casually cast aside.

Since this is not a pep talk, let’s take the ‘long way to Tulsa”.

First, we are at war. If you don’t understand that part yet, you have already lost the battle. There is a raging war for the very soul of this country and the enemy has openly and loudly declared this exact fact to everyone. If you are unaware of this, you aren’t paying attention. Not paying attention to what the enemy is saying and doing assures that evil will triumph over good.

Next, this is spiritual battle; if you didn’t know this, be prepared to be taken captive by Satan at his will because ignorance is captivity at the least and destruction at the worst (Isaiah 5:13 and Hosea 4:6 respectfully).

In the middle of combat is not the time go to boot camp. When you are fighting for your life, your culture, your nation, your heritage, and your religion, is it not best to be fully prepared to meet an evil, desperate, deceiving, lying, cunning, and merciless enemy? It isn’t wise to send raw recruits into heated combat; they are only cannon fodder.  Though WW2 was raging, our military didn’t thrust untrained men into combat. All of them were well trained and only released for combat after a stipulated and rigorous training program.

Therefore, take up the Biblically-prescribed position of “combatant” and put on the full armor of God and use the primary weapon of warfare: prayer. Then, pray (fight) without ceasing. This brings God’s will into the earth. If you don’t know how to do this, you need to find out how to and do it now. You are at war and Satan delights in defeating an unarmed ignorant enemy. Build up your most-holy faith (Jude 1:20) and fight the good fight of faith lest you not be an “over-comer” and be taken captive.

Further, when in military combat, there are certain things that are “understood”. One is that you don’t tell the enemy what your plans are. Another is that the plans of the Generals are to be executed without delay. The next is that you don’t plan for failure and you fight to win and not to appease.

An example is the “D-Day Invasion” at Normandy, France. The Generals had planned the matter for several months and laid out plans in detail. These plans were kept secret even from the troops until the last minute. There were even propaganda measures, decoy troop and equipment movements, and even fake military equipment that included tanks and artillery placed in strategic locations to influence the enemy.

Counter intelligence moves included calculated deceptions that saw the allies dropping propaganda leaflets over enemy territory and even leaving a dead body (one that had fake intelligence papers on it) in a place where the enemy would find it. No few steps or measures were taken to insure victory. The plan had been put into effect and, as history details, was very effective in that the exact location of the invasion caught the Germans completely by surprise (they thought it would be Calias).

The Generals made a plan and the plan, over a period of time and after much preparation, was put into effect. In other words, “the ball was rolling” despite what anyone could immediately see. We can say this: the Generals laid the plans and made commandments that were ultimately made manifest on June 6, 1944. They had spoken their will and it came to pass.

This takes us to the next part: God has spoken: “President Trump will serve two terms”. What He has said cannot be seen but it is nevertheless “law” because it is not subject to change. God’s word (all of it) is forever settled in heaven. Therefore, do not be motivated by things that appear but by things that do not yet appear but which are more real than those things/evidences that we can see.

The Lord has given us His word through His servants, the prophets. Here’s the “given” on that: “….Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper” (2 Chronicles 20:20). This means that we shouldn’t be finding ways to disbelieve God (and, in some cases, call Him a liar).

The danger is that, if we don’t take all of the information that God has revealed to us (and there is actually a lot to work with, if we’re paying attention), then we will start trying to “interpret” prophecy to see where we went “wrong”. This can be very dangerous to our faith as it inculcates doubt into the faith dynamic which then creates “wavering” and unstable faith making it ineffectual (James 1:6-7).

As of late, sincere men of God are back-peddling on what the Lord has said because our President wasn’t re-elected. We can see this with our natural eyes and it is certainly factual and we can call it “a truth”. But, is it really "the truth"? 

Some are also now saying that God hasn’t “missed it” but that we misinterpreted Him. Some of this is due to "carnally mindedness". 

Due to such thinking, they say that President Trump will, indeed, serve two terms but that God didn’t say anything about “consecutive terms”.  While no one can argue the point (that it seems apparent that he will not serve consecutive terms) at face value, it should immediately become apparent (to those who are paying attention) that all of the facts and details are not being considered. Not considering all facts leads to error and a loss of faith because the error will not lead to "the truth". 

When all of the available facts are considered, and we are not operating in “panic mode” or "carnal mode", a very real revelation comes to light as to what President Trump (an instrument in the hand of the Lord) has already done. “The truth” is that, when he left office, the “heavy lifting” was already accomplished; his (and the Lord's) will was established in the earth and in Washington DC. There is actually nothing else left for him to do but to allow the law to complete its required course. In other words, he is effectively removed from the political equation at this point

We can say this: President Trump promised us a number of things (to drain the “swamp”, the US will never be a socialist country, to make American great again, et al). Now note this fact: he isn’t a liar and did not walk away and simply leave us at the merciless hands of a Godless, socialist, America-hating enemy. He came to do a job and he did it and did it most effectually. 

But, I doubt if even a single one of us actually heard and understood what he meant or the size of his undertaking. He was basically taking on the entire corrupt global political, financial, and commercial cartels along with the most powerful people on the planet. This was accomplished in four years: four years and it is still unfolding as we speak.

Stop to think about what is happening. Trump has declared “Martial Law” and has invoked the “Insurrection Act”. Would he not do this in light of the fact that the Democrats were calling what happened on January 6 an act of insurrection? He did do that. What we didn’t see is that he didn’t tell the world about it but it is in force now (remember the part about not telling the enemy your plans?) . The events ensuing January 6 verify this.

National Guard troops were called in for “security purposes”. OK. That’s not a problem except the thousand or so that were expected solely for security purposes turned into an unheard of thirty thousand uniformed guardsmen. Were they really expecting some sort of huge insurrection? If they were, wouldn't they want the US Marine Corp there? There is a reason for what happened though we can’t immediately see it just as there was a reason for 2,000 Guardsmen to be deputized as U.S. Marshalls (in the previous 250 years, when was there a time you saw this happening at in election?). Are they still deputized? What are they doing now?

 One fact stands out: there is a part of the “IA” that states that you cannot have a regime change during the time that the “IA” is in force. Did you catch that? You cannot change governments during the “IA”. What does that mean? That means that it is impossible for Joe Biden to have been legitimately sworn into office on January 20th.

So, why are they playing out this pantomime? We don’t know but this is the part where faith comes into play. We are to be moved by God’s word and not the visible presentations which may or may not be true and accurate. In fact, it wouldn’t take much faith at all to believe that the entire inauguration ceremony was prerecorded and staged (with lots of CGI included; remember, you can’t trust your eyes, only the word of the Lord). We have the technology to do it but we don't have the information as to whether or not it's true. 

We must believe, then, that the plan is finished. It merely needs to be made evident to all. Just as Satan was sure that he had killed the Messiah and contravened God’s plan for salvation, the plan was already a done deal when Christ died. Satan was defeated though it looked like he had won the victory. Satan is convinced that President Trump's defeat was his victory. This can only be if there was no plan in effect. There is a plan and our lack of understanding the particulars of that plan must not be allowed to interfere with our faith. 

Rather, we can focus more on such things that are evidences of what we know to be true. For instance, we can wonder why we have high fences with the fencing facing towards the Capitol as if to keep people in rather than out. Why haven’t the majority of guardsmen gone home after the inauguration? Why won’t military people salute Mr. Biden? Why isn’t he allowed access to high security information? Why is the White House darkened with no one living there? Why do videos of Mr. Biden in the Oval Office seem to not look quite right? What does all of this mean? Should we jump to conclusions (or civil war, for that matter)? Will it not all be brought out into the open…just like we’ve all been praying? Are these things not positive clues given for our sake that we not lose hope? 

Has God not heard? Has He forsaken His people and cast away our well being and the welfare of our nation and abandon us to the communists, oh, ye of little faith?

There is yet much to say about this matter but it will take too long to address it all. Suffice to say that, when President Trump left the White House, his entire four years of planning was put into motion and it is now being carried out. Because “Martial Law” has been declared and because of the “Insurrection Act” and the “EO” specifically enacted for this very hour, all darkness (including but especially the massive voter fraud) is coming to light. All “bad actors (both Democrats and Republicans) will be brought to military tribunal to be tried.  All evidence will made available exactly because it’s military law and not civil law. Nothing will be withheld and none will escape judgement. 

These things will be accomplished without a civil war. This is no small thing. If President Trump had acted on the immediate voter fraud issue and the (pre-planned) Capitol Building compromise (and he most certainly could have), there would have been a massive insurrection by the left: civil war almost certainly would have ensued. He has avoided this because, as it is, the military will be doing all of the accusing and prosecution according to existing laws. The Left cannot politically connect President Trump to this dynamic. It’s a brilliant move, we have to say.

This is the conclusion: fear not; be not afraid; the Lord has heard, answered, and has given us His word; it is finished. President Donald J. Trump will serve another term and it won’t be non-consecutive. Rather, it will be in a newly re-established Republic; he will have made America great again by freeing us from “Corporate Washington DC” (if you don’t know what that means, you may want to do some homework as there is much information on the Internet). We will be on the Gold Standard instead of on a fiat currency standard that has continually stolen the wealth of “we the people” for more than a century. And, there are many more benefits will be made obvious soon (not the least of which is those who perpetrated this evil upon us will face justice).

Let us act in faith not accepting as final those things which do appear or which seem to appear. But, let us remain immovable on the sure word of God while giving Him the glory for this wonderful and marvelous thing that He is doing (and which only He could do)! Let us ever shout for joy because He defends those who put our trust in Him alone. Let us be moved only by His will, His word, His wisdom, and His understanding for so shall we dwell peacefully in the land. Let us stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


This country needs to wake up and smell the Starbucks before it's too late. It’s time to stop staggering around in unbelief at what we are seeing in front of our eyes. It’s time to stop believing the lies of the enemies of our nation. It’s time to draw a line in the sand: a line that, if crossed, will be met with deadly determination.

We are not witnessing “peaceful demonstrations”. We are witnessing a violent communist insurgency: an insurgency that has been brewing for at least 50 years. It’s a multi-headed Hydra movement rooted in (at least) the ’60’s.  It has its momentum gained from lies, half-truths, and a Marxist/socialist/communist agenda that is propagated by vile sociopaths and pathogenic liars.

It is a fire that is being stoked by billions of dollars from Marxists/socialists/communists (most of which, but not all, are Americas) who have no love for our country. These long-time enemies of peace and sovereignty want to see America engulfed in flames so that it can be rebuilt as part of the “new world order”: a “one world government” that tempts the fool with a "better (egalitarian) society" (but which can only end in tyranny).

We are witnessing open war being perpetrated on our nation and our enemy expects us to cower and comply with their lies and often delusional demands (e.g. reparations for blacks). They expect us to believe that they are only seeking the best interests of the people and attack us and label us with untruthful, hurtful, and demeaning names if we resist. They arrest us for “hate crimes” and prosecute us when we try to defend ourselves rather than being servile victims. We are hated and persecuted when we refuse to fall in line with their abhorrent un-American rhetoric; we are gainsaid when we speak empirical truth. 

They are enemies who speak great swelling words about defending the Constitution and who portray themselves as those who are fighting for the soul of “this great nation”.  But, it’s not about any such thing. It’s all about “the agenda”, the agenda to remove our nation and even its history off the map and out of the history books: nothing else. It’s all doublespeak: all of it

Doublespeak is, in fact, is one of the varied ways that the enemy uses to deceive so that they may kill, steal, and destroy with impunity. They actually expect us to believe their pernicious pontification and swallow it whole as we watch their chest pounding and emoting for “the cause” (which is their agenda). They are proud purveyors of the doctrines of demons and lies are their primary weapons.  

We should not be caught unaware of their means and methods. There are two primary tactics used by the enemy and it’s time that we understood them so that we may defeat this evil that has flooded the land. One dynamic is to hide their intentions with distractions or seemingly pertinent causes while their true aims and goals are hidden.

This was demonstrated as of late by the George Floyd incident. Though this matter was hardly more than a blip on the social radar, it was used an excuse/tool to ignite a conflagration. One (online) black citizen commented (correctly) that, “Blacks (he used a different word) are killed all the time. Why was Floyd any different?”. It wasn’t different. It was an excuse.

The next is related and it is to “change everything except what appears”. It only appears that the enemy is fighting for a “righteous cause”. It only appears that they are fighting for “social justice”. They appear to fight for “civil rights” and “equality” when this is not the case at all.

This dynamic can be called “a lie skinned in truth”. You have a core agenda but it’s hidden from immediate view and covered with partial truth, spin, and outright lies.

Our Civil War brought (true) justice to slaves. BLM and ANTIFA expect us to believe that they, too, are oppressed and that they are fighting for their freedom (from police brutality etc.). The truth is that they are far from being oppressed; they have only manufactured grievances on which to build their war.

When you are already equal under the law and the U.S. Constitution, then you are fighting/rioting for domination and control while looting is solely for the freebies as “reparations”. In other words, they are not “freedom fighters” but are anti-American Marxist, socialists, and communists. They are traitors to our nation and they must be dealt with accordingly. 

We must also understand that their conflict is an out-and-out race war running concurrently with their social justice war (a multi-front war, if you please) and it is has nothing to do with "equality" of races or freedom from "white suppression". These co-evil wars include everything from immigration reform (their idea of "reform" is to eliminate any and all immigration law), LGBQTUVWXYZ (sic) “rights”, abortion “rights” (i.e. the right to murder babies), the “climate change” war, et. al. ). It’s war. It’s conflict. It’s evil. It’s all about the agenda and not one thing more.

The American  people have been trying to avoid a civil war with teeth clenching determination. We have silently suffered and tolerated these enemies as one who has a large tick boring into his flesh. We have scratched and complained only to see the tick growing larger and being engorged on our blood. Patriots are vilified as “NAZI’s” and lovers of this country and its flag are denounced as racist and xenophobic. It has all been tolerated but we are weary of the matter having stretched the definition of “tolerance” to the limit. 

These monsters have inflicted great evil upon us. Their terrorism has cost inestimable carnage to our country, our property, our rights, our freedom and our lives. The time of tolerance is now over. No more lies; no more insanity. No more allowing the loonies to make the rules. 

My fellow Americans, we are already at war. There is no avoiding that which is frightfully evident and no effort should be given to do so. It is as evident as the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Shall we wait until a yet larger attack strikes fear into our heart before we marshal our wits and our arms and heed the call of duty? 

At that time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the people of this nation didn’t do what the enemy expected! They expected a weak America (the fourth largest army and navy in the world) to immediately sue for peace. Their act of terrorism was meant to bring us to our knees so that the Japanese could continue their imperialism without hindrance or delay. They thought that we would simply tolerate a single act of aggression and the matter would go no further.They thought wrong.

We have been bombed as surely as if the bombs had come from those same Japanese bombers in the sky. Our cities’ flames are as hot as any ignited by high explosives dropped from any aircraft. Our dead are just as dead and our businesses are just as charred and silent. Our grief is just as real.

We must act. We must not remain in denial or fall victim to normalcy bias. To remain inactive is to be taken captive and even destroyed (please refer to English Statesman, Robert Burke). 

Now, hear this: we the people have the right to defend ourselves: All power/authority is derived from "WE THE PEOPLE" and we do not have to ask "local authorities" for help. We do not need permission to stay alive or to keep our homes from being burned. We have both God-given and Constitutionally-derived rights that cannot be taken from us. We can, however, decide not to use them. We can surrender our rights at any time by simply not using them or maintaining them. It’s our call.

It is not “vigilantism” by any means. Self-defense never has been but the defenders of evil and haters of good will try to convince us that defending yourself is somehow evil. This is also to note that our enemies invariably side with the lawless and the criminals. It’s called “anarchy”.

It is inescapably true that many local authorities have elected to side with these anarchist criminals and enemies of our nation and our peace. 

Not only did they do nothing to resist the enemy (thereby violating their oath of office), they cheered them on. If that isn't sufficient madness, there are politicians raising hug sums of money to bail terrorists out of jail! Treason is treason regardless of what color of tie the traitor is wearing.

These evil leaders are to be arrested for treason. They have aided and are yet abetting treasonous and seditious acts. We have the authority to make those arrests! We have the full weight of the law and Constitution on our side. What shall hinder us? Pray tell; just who can stop a well-armed and determined citizenry who are sick and tired of the lies, deceit, and being trampled by fools, lunatics, the hateful, the tyrannical, and the violent (you do remember the exact purpose of the Second Amendment, right?)? Who can stop those who have, with super-human effort, tolerated un-American and anti-American politicians and fellow citizens but who are now sick in their soul of their evil?

It's clear that BLM, ANTIFA, and the rest of the communists have initiated their revolution for "freedom from (white) oppression and capitalism". This is a full-blown communist insurrection and it must be crushed now lest it metastasize (and it most assuredly will) and we fall to our knees in submission to tyranny. We will lose our nation to communism just as Nikita Kruschev prophesied in 1960 (We will bury you and We will defeat America from within).

The enemies of our nation (and there are no few of them) have been fomenting this war for decades and they believe that now is the time to act. The have demanded civil war so that it will divide and destroy our land (divide and conquer is a primary rule of warfare); it is part of their credo and manifesto. In fact, their doctrines teach that, "progress is made through the struggle". Can war be labeled as anything other than that? 

It must be noted that this is an implacable enemy who cannot be stopped by negotiations or appeasements (check with English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain – 1939). They know but one thing: force. It is natural law: he who has the biggest club wins. They will not compromise because their hatred and vision to destroy America is too great and their brainwashing is too complete. They will do or die. Ought not we be as committed to regain peace and safety in our land?

How long do you think that these SJW’s will last if only a few hundred armed citizens order them to leave? How many dead murderous and violent SJW’s will it take to convince them that we mean business? The answer is simple: very few. The rioting will stop in only one day (two, if they didn’t get the message on the first day and the body count wasn’t high enough).

We’re dealing with purple and green haired useful idiots. We are dealing with cowards who sucker punch old people, who shoot babies in the face, and who are only tough guys when backed by a mob and only when they can pick off a lone good guy. They are mercenaries getting a nice paycheck to destroy our towns. Why are we giving them permission to win?

The Germans and Japanese had no less resolve to destroy American than do ANTIFA and BLM. The enemies of freedom in WW2 had to be brutally and mercilessly crushed because they were merciless and savage and gave no quarter. There is nothing new under the sun.

If we are to survive as a free nation, we must not deny our violent aggressive enemies the fight they are demanding or we will endure unimaginable suffering. We the (reasonable) people have suffered long (oh, but how we have suffered) and our bellies are full of tolerating this evil. 

But, now, the suffering and their insanity has become intolerable. They expect us to stand still and silent while they kill, steal, and destroy for their “just cause”. They demand that we remain immobile while they pummel us with body punches and inflict immeasurable misery until we are weakened and impotent and ready to capitulate. Is that how we will fall and is this our end? They brought the war to our face; what shall we do?

The treacherous Socialist, Communist, Democratic mayors and governors have demonstrated that they are our enemies. No gainsaying or denying on their part will change this obvious fact. They stood passively and did nothing (with some actually cheering on the criminals). This, too, must be confronted. Arrests must be made for their inexcusable failure of placing our citizens and our property in jeopardy and their betrayal of their oath of office.

Elections are ongoing so the seats of those who have garnered the displeasure of their constituents are at great risk. Let us, therefore, also wage war at the ballot box all the while insuring fair elections (which, most assuredly, will not be done by our deceitful, conniving, power hungry, enemies).

America's fate will be determined within months of now. They have sown the wind; shall they not reap the whirlwind? They have sown evil; shall they not reap justice? What will our fate look like (in only a few months) if we do not meet them with fierce determination as defenders of freedom? Will we just surrender and fall in line as obedient servants to the brutal and merciless BLM and ANTIFA/STURMABTEILUNG terrorist masters and only offer whimpering or bleating instead of resistance? Is it not time to either crush or be crushed?

The list of atrocities these "warriors" (murderers) is long (including the assassination of police officers and sheriff's deputies). They will not cease to create havoc and destruction until they are brutally stopped. We can hide and watch our nation die or we can "rally 'round the flag" and do that which our forefather did: save the nation and preserve our freedom.

Make note: just because the enemy accuses you of something/anything does not make it true. Therefore, stop listening to them and stop believing what they are saying. We are not required to conform to their desires and wishes. Stop accepting every lie that comes out of their mouth (especially the lies that you are racist and homophobic). Stop accepting “white guilt” and their “white privilege” argument! Stop accepting politically correct insanity because it is insane. It’s is merely another tool used to conquer us. It's another tactic for the suppression of the truth and facts which they hate to hear and which they refuse to believe. Know this: they only have as much power and control over us as what we allow!

Kamala Harris has promised that the rioting will continue and fully supports the destruction of our nation (and even publicly advised that the rioting should continue even after the election). She is a traitor as is almost the entire National Socialist Democratic American Worker’s Party (formerly known as the Democratic Party). 

We now have all the intel we need to see our immediate future and to decide how to respond accordingly. It’s time to fight back on all fronts. It’s time to fearlessly (and without resile) start calling out these liars and deceivers and telling the truth about who and what they are and what they are doing in front of our face: no more denial: no more hiding, cowering, and remaining silent while our country burns: no more tolerating that which is intolerable.

They fired the first shots; they dropped the first bombs; they projected the first hate, and they drew first blood. Their intentions are as clear as the attackers on 9/11. It is only the self-blinded and willfully-ignorant fool who would think otherwise.

Should we dare suppose that the chains of our slavery will rest lightly upon our shoulders?  Should we trust our fate to the merciless and the murderers? We will fight and live free or, if we tarry, we will be taken captive. It is more than likely that we and our posterity will probably hereafter live and die in servitude to tyrants. The war is raging; there will be a winner

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Let’s start with a disclaimer. I truly hate to have to write a disclaimer. But, not enough of my countrymen seem to be able to connect the dots when reading something pertaining to politics and have little reading comprehension and interpretive skills. Mysteriously, even when such skills are apparent, it’s as though these skills are not being applied or acted upon. And, there seems to be little common “horse sense” among the American people. Because of this, a disclaimer is not only warranted but is required and the author is compelled to act accordingly.

The disclaimer: this article is not being written to demean or belittle my countrymen. This American has been proudly saluting “Old Glory” since at least 1955 and has seen most of those with whom he grew up do the same. His patriotism is nonpareil and his heart pumps the proverbial “red, white, and blue”. Far be it from such a one as I to be an enemy of or a burden to my brethren, my kinsmen, or my neighbors.

It is being written out of astonishment that Americans are being led around by the nose like little children who haven’t a clue as to what or why the world in which they grew up in is dissolving around them. The truly mind-bending dynamic here is that, not only is their “God Bless America” world dissolving, it is dissolving with the full complicity and cooperation of at least half of them (again, though without their understanding which is why this article is being written).

It is being written as a gentle “wake up call”. Hopefully, and with the Lord’s help, this article will encourage them to amend their lack of awareness of the dynamics that are, with their help, destroying their country and which may even kill them, their children, and, with all reasonable expectation, their grandchildren.

Let’s begin with this simple but profound statement: because of ignorance, people/cities/counties/states/countries go into captivity. Sound familiar? Sure. It’s a paraphrase of Isaiah 5:13 in the Bible. But, let’s cement in our minds just how serious this matter is. This is a spiritual law. It is an “absolute” and it cannot be nullified or rescinded merely by ignoring it, by gainsaying it, refuting it, or using some sort of religious apologetic to circumvent it. Disbelief will not alter it and (political) obfuscations cannot ultimately hide or determine its resolution. This simple principle is as dangerous as any time bomb because it can also lead to destruction (see Hosea 4:6).

In an era when the entirety of knowledge of mankind is literally available at one’s fingertips (via the Internet using a keyboard and computer, of course), most Americans are politically ignorant beyond imagination. To say that this is a shame is an understatement of incalculable proportion.

Instead of learning about the forces that are Hell-bent on controlling them, Americans (including and especially Christians) live a life based almost solely on entertainment and distraction. It’s a “que sera, sera” attitude that has no option but to lead to captivity. Let me repeat that differently: there is no option other than captivity for those who insist on allowing others to control their life (by the default of ignorance and unwillingness to pay attention to their world). Call if “fatalism” , if you please, because it most assuredly can be fatal (pun intended).

There’s more to this than the one lone dynamic of ignorance that is destroying our nation. There are many reasons but let’s focus on a major issue that confronts our ability to remain America. It can be summed up in one word: “selfishness” and it involves man’s nature to take the path of least resistance. It’s nothing less than man wanting to either keep or increase his level of comfort if he can. There’s nothing inherently evil about this dynamic. It’s merely another part of man’s make up that requires discipline lest it rule over him rather than vice versa. It also requires wisdom and understanding which, unfortunately, few seem to pursue because it requires them to be propelled out of their comfort zone if they should do so.

Because lacking discipline, wisdom, and understanding is optional (given the vast and free resources available to all), then there is no real reason for our nation to be in the grip of an enemy called “Selfish”. Again, it’s mindset that exists in all humans to whatever degree and it is easily remedied with minimal effort.

But, for at least the previous half century, this selfish phenomenon seems to have escaped the corral of common sense and has stampeded through our society like a herd of wild buffalo spooked by a thunderstorm. It threatens our economy and therefore it threatens our existence.

Let’s cut to the chase and speak very frankly about the matter: very recently, we’ve seen our president attempt to straighten out trade imbalances and to promote and protect the domestic welfare of our nation. He can’t do that because of the nation’s populace who would rather purchase cheap foreign made products than to employ their own countrymen to make these same things.

Please pay attention: the Left, One World’ers/Globalists, and the complicit Right-RINO’s, are therefore grinning from ear to ear because they know that their engineered dynamic of wealth redistribution is working well. In other words, if Trump attempt to bring jobs back home, there will be a price increase on any goods manufactured or made in America. They know only too well that any attempt to undo their carefully crafted economic wealth redistribution trap (sending our money to other countries while they send back very little) will not be accepted by ignorant selfish Americas who are hooked on artificially cheap goods from abroad and who are addicted to the “quantify verses quality” dynamic. So, no such “price increase” will be allowed.

The Left uses this point for a powerful propaganda campaign using it to “prove” how “un-American” President Trump is and how he doesn’t care for “we the people”. Because of America’s demand for ignorance and boundless selfishness, there’s no way for Trump to win this argument.

Can you see how this insidious trap has been crafted over the decades? Politicians do not control people with facts! They control them through the dynamics of demagoguery. It is an evil thing but it works exceedingly well. People will not give up their comfort zone especially when other politicians will insure it. No matter what happens to aid our workers, any attempt will be perceived to be an attack on the middle class.

President Trump is in a “damned if you don’t and damned if you do” conundrum that even his own party will reinforce unless voters are shoved out of their profound stupidity and political inertia and resolve to be informed (noting that there is no stasis in warfare). He is attempting to bring jobs back to America. However, this means that the increased cost of most (though not all) homemade goods will force a new and higher paradigm against the artificially low prices we’ve seen for the previous couple of decades.

Trump, himself, may not see this matter as irresolvable and may not be in a quandary at this time. He may, rather, see it as just another problem to solve and simply shove his agenda through thereby keeping his promises. That would leave him with the hope that he will be re-elected so that he can certify and continue this matter so that it cannot be overthrown by whoever the next (“America Last”) president that comes along will certainly try to do.

Can you see how we did this to ourselves? We walked into this trap with open eyes but with an inordinately closed reasoning being distracted by the temptations of greater acquisition and perceived wealth. We preferred to save a few bucks rather than consider the consequences of having politicians load gravy onto our plates (while garnering our praises for doing so) without noting that a lot of gravy would end up making a mess on the floor.

Those consequences are now creating a dire economic crisis of serious concern. Are we going to “bite the bullet” and correct this runaway “mogwai” (from the movie “Gremlins”. i.e. cute at first but bears evil demonic offspring) while there is (hopefully) still time? Can we ween ourselves from our selfish comfort zone and do without cheap things from abroad? Do we understand that if we do not discipline ourselves and purposely correct this hideous mess that the cost will be far more than we can imagine and one from which we may take perhaps as long as a century (if ever) to recover?

We need to ask ourselves, “How can we last in an economic environment where we are all ‘price whores’ who lay aside our common sense for a few dollars and revel in our economic pleasures with no concern for the consequences?” And, “How do we last in an hour when we don’t care what’s right or wrong?” (ignorance/not caring is always a vote for evil and not acting for good is to be complicit in evil) “Can we survive when we don’t try to understand and we let the Devil take tomorrow for today we need a friend by the name of ‘Captain Save-a-Buck’ (ala the song ‘Help Me Make It Through The Night’)?”

This is neither the day nor the hour to relax even for so much as a moment. We must remain appraised of the wiles of our merciless, violent, and rabid enemies who hate our nation and have, for decades, labored indefatigably to destroy it. Our lack of focus and determination to win must never waver because you can rest assured that the enemy will never allow himself to do that. We must fight both the enemy and our own natural predilections for comfort and ease because no battle is ever won in a “comfort zone” but in the trenches.

Above all, we must stay strengthened by knowing from whence and from whom our strength comes. We must be guided by His Spirit and live by His principles and His word. Lacking these things, we will fail in an apocalypse that sees the greatest nation that has ever existed crushed and helpless and dependent upon a one-world “savior” who will be a one-world dictator of unimaginable despotism.

Ponder these things then act upon them. There is no more time.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Every American needs to read this letter. 

SNOPES says: Since its initial appearance, the letter attributed to K. Dee McCown has
circulated widely on social media sites and blogs. Dee McCown did serve as an FBI
special agent between 1997 and 2008, and when we contacted him to verify his author-
ship, he responded: "I in fact wrote the letter and stand by every word. It's time to stand
up and speak truth to power. Thanks for checking."

Former FBI Special Agent K. Dee McCown wrote an open letter to Eric Holder.  
The response has been epic.
 Here is the letter:  
K. Dee McCown
College Station, Texas
December 28, 2014

Attorney General Eric Holder
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Attorney General Holder,
It is unlikely that we met while I served in the FBI.  That being said, we served at the Depart-
ment of Justice (DOJ) during the same years and on the same team conceptually speaking.
During my service in the FBI I worked with a number of U.S. Attorney Offices in the United
States to include a tour at FBI HQ where I worked with the Department of Justice (Main) on
a daily basis.

I begin my letter with this comment to highlight that I am not a bystander on the topic of law
enforcement in the United States. I worked and managed a variety of federal investigations
during my 12 years of service in the FBI, to include the management of several Civil Rights
cases in the State of Texas. In fact, during my last tour in the Bureau, I was an FBI Super-
visor responsible for managing federal investigations in nine (9) Texas counties,  many of
which were rural; in places where one would suspect racism to flourish given the narrative
often pushed by Hollywood and urban progressive elites like yourself. I performed this mis-
sion diligently and under the close supervision of two FBI managers; an Assistant Special
Agent in Charge (ASAC) and Special Agent in Charge (SAC,) both of which  happened to
African American and outstanding law enforcement professionals.  I also performed this
mission serving side by side with a variety of law enforcement agencies at the Federal,
State and local level.

I have observed you closely during your tenure as Attorney General and notably during
these last tumultuous years; watching you negotiate a number of controversial public mat-
ters to include the ATF Fast and Furious scandal, Black Panther Party intimidation at vo-
ting booths, IRS targeting of American citizens (citizen groups opposed to the Obama
Administration,) the ignoring of US Immigration laws, DOJ criminal indictments of select
news reporters and your management of several high profile criminal investigations  in-
volving subjects of race, notably African Americans.

Until today, I chose to hold my tongue. However, with the assassination of  two NYPD
 Lieutenants last weekend in New York City, at the hands of a African American man
with a lengthy criminal record, fresh from his participation in anti-police activities; coupled
with numerous don't shoot,  hands up, and black lives matter anti-police protests (some of
which are violent) occurring daily around the nation, I am compelled to write you this letter.

To be blunt Mr. Holder, I am appalled at your lack of leadership as the Attorney General
of the United States and your blatant politicizing of the Department of Justice. Your act-
ions, both publicly and privately, have done nothing to quell the complex racial issues
we face in our country and have done everything to inflame them. As the top cop of the
United States, you share in the blame for much of the violence and  protests we are now
witnessing against law enforcement officers honorably serving throughout our nation.

During one of your first public speeches as Attorney General you made it a point to call
America a nation of cowards concerning race relations. That speech, followed by other
public announcements where you emphatically opined that the odds were stacked
against African Americans in regard to the enforcement of law, your intention to change
the law and permit convicted felons to vote after incarceration, and your changes to
federal law ending racial profiling, are poignant examples of how detached you remain
from the challenges faced by law enforcement officers serving in crime ridden neighbor-
hoods throughout the nation. These opinions are also indicative of a man that lives and
works in the elitist bubble of Washington D.C.

Your performance, as the nations Attorney General, during the Trayvon Martin case in
Sanford, Florida and the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri clearly highlights
your myopic view on this topic. Contrary to your embarrassing prejudgment in the Brown
case and evasive post trial remarks on the Martin case, neither Brown nor Martin were
targeted and/or killed because of their African American race. Rather, as  non-emotive
investigations determined, both teens died as a consequence of their own  tragic and
egregious behavior; behavior that involved a violent assault on a law abiding citizen in
the Trayvon Martin case, and a violent assault on a young police officer in the Michael
 Brown case. Yet you, as the number one spokesman for law enforcement in the country,
blame the deaths of these men on years of institutional racism and the alleged epidemic
targeting of African American men by police departments around the country; nothing
could be further from the truth. Following the Michael Brown case Grand Jury decision
all you could muster was the following comment:
The Department of Justice is currently investigating not only the shooting but also the
Ferguson police department in what is called a patterns and practices inquiry to determine
if the police department has engaged in systematic racism.

So, lets get this straight. At a decisive moment in history when our nation required a
strong and unbiased voice from its senior law enforcement official, you Mr. Holder, made
it your personal mission to join with other racial antagonist and politicize a tragic event,
accusing a young white police officer of a racially motivated killing in what we now know
was a justified self-defense shooting of a predatory felon.  

Your behavior is unbelievable.  You sir, have sacrificed your integrity on the altar of pol-
itical expediency.  You, Mr. Holder, are the coward and hypocrite you so loudly denounce
when speaking of broken race relations in America.

Further to this point Mr. Holder, law enforcement officers around the country remain 
dismayed and shocked at the counsel you keep; that being your close relationship with none
other than Al Sharpton, a racist shake down artist who spreads hate, divisiveness and the
promotion of anti-law enforcement sentiment throughout the country; a tax evading fraud-
ster who has unbelievably visited the White House over 80 times in recent years.  It  is
simply beyond my comprehension as a former federal law enforcement professional, that
you, the Attorney General of the United States, joined arms in common cause with a char-
latan like the Reverend Al Sharpton; and  it speaks volumes to your personal character
and lack of professional judgment.

Violent crime, out of wedlock births, drug abuse,rampant unemployment and poverty found
in many low-income minority neighborhoods are not a result of racist community policing
and racial profiling as you so quickly assert, and frankly most law  abiding Americans are
exhausted of hearing this false narrative repeated time and again by you and others in
the racial grievance industry. While no one, me included, would ever suggest that African
Americans have not suffered from institutional racism in the past, I would strongly argue
that we no longer live in the Mississippi of 1965, nor do we live in a country that even close-
ly resembles the Jim Crow South of yesteryear. Those days, thankfully, are in the past as
are the generations of Americans that supported such egregious behavior and endured
such suffering.

Rather, Mr. Holder, we live in a day and time where the root cause of many problems faced
in our African American communities can be attributed to the breakdown of civil order due
to the rejection of institutional and family authority and the practice of counter-culture values;
and most notably, from the absence of strong male leadership in fatherless black families.
The reason that our local police officers are so often entwined in tragic events in black com-
munities is be cause it is the police that have filled the void in these communities that should
be occupied by moral and strong black men leading family units with Godly values. You, Mr.
Holder, especially, should be thanking the police rather than persecuting them for the gap
they fill in these communities because if it were not for the intervention of local police many
African American neighborhoods would be in a state of total anarchy.

Yet tragically, you and your race-baiting colleague Al Sharpton (a paid media personality un-
der contract with MSNBC news) choose to remain silent  because to publicly speak this self-
evident truth threatens to not only alienate and offend the most loyal voting constituency
of the Democratic Party but diminish your and Al Sharptons self-serving power base in these
suffering communities. God forbid that you would suggest individual citizens  accept respons-
ibility for their own behavior and the collective failure of their communities; it is so much easier
for you and  others like you to make excuses, play the victim card, and pander rather than
address the real root causes that plague many low income neighborhoods.

Mr. Holder, the public is aware of FBI statistics that tell a different story than the one you and
Sharpton preach. We know that young African American males, representing a tiny fraction
of the U.S. population, are by far the greatest perpetrators of violent crime in America when
compared to their peers in other ethnic groups, and, we know that citizens of African Amer-
ican descent overwhelmingly make up the majority of their victims. We  also know that incid-
ents where white police officers shoot and kill black perpetrators are rare and on the decline.
We know further that although there are legitimate and bonafide Federal Civil Rights invest-
igations in the United States worthy of pursuing, they are miniscule when compared to the
false narrative portrayed by you, President Obama and Sharpton declaring rampant discrim-
ination against African American men by police officers throughout the country. You are just
plain wrong.

In closing Mr. Holder I will leave you with this thought; you were given a rare opportunity to
lead with integrity during a variety of divisive and controversial issues during your tenure as
the 82nd Attorney General of the United States and rather than be a man of moral courage
you chose instead to cower, further inflame racial tensions, advance false narratives and
play progressive political activist.  Time and again you chose to politicize the mission of
the Department of Justice rather than pursue justice and now, tragically, we are witnessing
the fruits of your irresponsible behavior in the murder of two innocent police officers in New
York City, assassinated by a man motivated by the flames of racial hatred that you person-
ally fanned. How many more police officers will be injured or die in the coming days because
of the perilous conditions you helped create in this nation. You,  President Obama and Al
Sharpton own this problem lock, stock and barrel and now it is your legacy.

As thousands of NYPD officers turn their collective back on New York Mayor Bill de Blasio,
another dishonest politician and Sharpton disciple, so too do countless Federal law enforce-
ment officers turn our backs on you.

K. Dee McCown
FBI (1997 2008)
CC: Senator Mitch McConnell
 Senator John Cornyn
Senator Ted Cruz
Senator Harry Reid
The Honorable Bill Flores
The Honorable John Boehner
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi